544 lines
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544 lines
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import logging
from flask import request
from app import billing as stripe
from endpoints.api import (resource, nickname, ApiResource, validate_json_request, request_error,
related_user_resource, internal_only, Unauthorized, NotFound,
require_user_admin, log_action, show_if, path_param,
from endpoints.api.team import team_view
from endpoints.api.user import User, PrivateRepositories
from auth.permissions import (AdministerOrganizationPermission, OrganizationMemberPermission,
from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_user
from auth import scopes
from data import model
from data.billing import get_plan
from util.gravatar import compute_hash
import features
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def org_view(o, teams):
admin_org = AdministerOrganizationPermission(o.username)
is_admin = admin_org.can()
view = {
'name': o.username,
'email': o.email if is_admin else '',
'gravatar': compute_hash(o.email),
'teams': {t.name : team_view(o.username, t) for t in teams},
'is_admin': is_admin
if is_admin:
view['invoice_email'] = o.invoice_email
return view
class OrganizationList(ApiResource):
""" Resource for creating organizations. """
schemas = {
'NewOrg': {
'id': 'NewOrg',
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Description of a new organization.',
'required': [
'properties': {
'name': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Organization username',
'email': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Organization contact email',
def post(self):
""" Create a new organization. """
user = get_authenticated_user()
org_data = request.get_json()
existing = None
existing = model.get_organization(org_data['name'])
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
if not existing:
existing = model.get_user(org_data['name'])
except model.InvalidUserException:
if existing:
msg = 'A user or organization with this name already exists'
raise request_error(message=msg)
model.create_organization(org_data['name'], org_data['email'], user)
return 'Created', 201
except model.DataModelException as ex:
raise request_error(exception=ex)
@path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization')
class Organization(ApiResource):
""" Resource for managing organizations. """
schemas = {
'UpdateOrg': {
'id': 'UpdateOrg',
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Description of updates for an existing organization',
'properties': {
'email': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Organization contact email',
'invoice_email': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Whether the organization desires to receive emails for invoices',
def get(self, orgname):
""" Get the details for the specified organization """
permission = OrganizationMemberPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
org = model.get_organization(orgname)
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
raise NotFound()
teams = model.get_teams_within_org(org)
return org_view(org, teams)
raise Unauthorized()
def put(self, orgname):
""" Change the details for the specified organization. """
permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
org = model.get_organization(orgname)
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
raise NotFound()
org_data = request.get_json()
if 'invoice_email' in org_data:
logger.debug('Changing invoice_email for organization: %s', org.username)
model.change_invoice_email(org, org_data['invoice_email'])
if 'email' in org_data and org_data['email'] != org.email:
new_email = org_data['email']
if model.find_user_by_email(new_email):
raise request_error(message='E-mail address already used')
logger.debug('Changing email address for organization: %s', org.username)
model.update_email(org, new_email)
teams = model.get_teams_within_org(org)
return org_view(org, teams)
raise Unauthorized()
@path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization')
class OrgPrivateRepositories(ApiResource):
""" Custom verb to compute whether additional private repositories are available. """
def get(self, orgname):
""" Return whether or not this org is allowed to create new private repositories. """
permission = CreateRepositoryPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
organization = model.get_organization(orgname)
private_repos = model.get_private_repo_count(organization.username)
data = {
'privateAllowed': False
if organization.stripe_id:
cus = stripe.Customer.retrieve(organization.stripe_id)
if cus.subscription:
repos_allowed = 0
plan = get_plan(cus.subscription.plan.id)
if plan:
repos_allowed = plan['privateRepos']
data['privateAllowed'] = (private_repos < repos_allowed)
if AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname).can():
data['privateCount'] = private_repos
return data
raise Unauthorized()
@path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization')
class OrgnaizationMemberList(ApiResource):
""" Resource for listing the members of an organization. """
def get(self, orgname):
""" List the members of the specified organization. """
permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
org = model.get_organization(orgname)
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
raise NotFound()
# Loop to create the members dictionary. Note that the members collection
# will return an entry for *every team* a member is on, so we will have
# duplicate keys (which is why we pre-build the dictionary).
members_dict = {}
members = model.get_organization_members_with_teams(org)
for member in members:
if not member.user.username in members_dict:
members_dict[member.user.username] = {'name': member.user.username,
'kind': 'user',
'is_robot': member.user.robot,
'teams': []}
return {'members': members_dict}
raise Unauthorized()
@path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization')
@path_param('membername', 'The username of the organization member')
class OrganizationMember(ApiResource):
""" Resource for managing individual organization members. """
def get(self, orgname, membername):
""" Get information on the specific orgnaization member. """
permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
org = model.get_organization(orgname)
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
raise NotFound()
member_dict = None
member_teams = model.get_organization_members_with_teams(org, membername=membername)
for member in member_teams:
if not member_dict:
member_dict = {'name': member.user.username,
'kind': 'user',
'is_robot': member.user.robot,
'teams': []}
if not member_dict:
raise NotFound()
return {'member': member_dict}
raise Unauthorized()
@path_param('client_id', 'The OAuth client ID')
class ApplicationInformation(ApiResource):
""" Resource that returns public information about a registered application. """
def get(self, client_id):
""" Get information on the specified application. """
application = model.oauth.get_application_for_client_id(client_id)
if not application:
raise NotFound()
org_hash = compute_hash(application.organization.email)
gravatar = compute_hash(application.gravatar_email) if application.gravatar_email else org_hash
return {
'name': application.name,
'description': application.description,
'uri': application.application_uri,
'gravatar': gravatar,
'organization': org_view(application.organization, [])
def app_view(application):
is_admin = AdministerOrganizationPermission(application.organization.username).can()
return {
'name': application.name,
'description': application.description,
'application_uri': application.application_uri,
'client_id': application.client_id,
'client_secret': application.client_secret if is_admin else None,
'redirect_uri': application.redirect_uri if is_admin else None,
'gravatar_email': application.gravatar_email if is_admin else None,
@path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization')
class OrganizationApplications(ApiResource):
""" Resource for managing applications defined by an organizations. """
schemas = {
'NewApp': {
'id': 'NewApp',
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Description of a new organization application.',
'required': [
'properties': {
'name': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The name of the application',
'redirect_uri': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The URI for the application\'s OAuth redirect',
'application_uri': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The URI for the application\'s homepage',
'description': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The human-readable description for the application',
'gravatar_email': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The e-mail address of the gravatar to use for the application',
def get(self, orgname):
""" List the applications for the specified organization """
permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
org = model.get_organization(orgname)
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
raise NotFound()
applications = model.oauth.list_applications_for_org(org)
return {'applications': [app_view(application) for application in applications]}
raise Unauthorized()
def post(self, orgname):
""" Creates a new application under this organization. """
permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
org = model.get_organization(orgname)
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
raise NotFound()
app_data = request.get_json()
application = model.oauth.create_application(
org, app_data['name'],
app_data.get('application_uri', ''),
app_data.get('redirect_uri', ''),
description = app_data.get('description', ''),
gravatar_email = app_data.get('gravatar_email', None),)
'application_name': application.name,
'client_id': application.client_id
log_action('create_application', orgname, app_data)
return app_view(application)
raise Unauthorized()
@path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization')
@path_param('client_id', 'The OAuth client ID')
class OrganizationApplicationResource(ApiResource):
""" Resource for managing an application defined by an organizations. """
schemas = {
'UpdateApp': {
'id': 'UpdateApp',
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Description of an updated application.',
'required': [
'properties': {
'name': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The name of the application',
'redirect_uri': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The URI for the application\'s OAuth redirect',
'application_uri': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The URI for the application\'s homepage',
'description': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The human-readable description for the application',
'gravatar_email': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The e-mail address of the gravatar to use for the application',
def get(self, orgname, client_id):
""" Retrieves the application with the specified client_id under the specified organization """
permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
org = model.get_organization(orgname)
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
raise NotFound()
application = model.oauth.lookup_application(org, client_id)
if not application:
raise NotFound()
return app_view(application)
raise Unauthorized()
def put(self, orgname, client_id):
""" Updates an application under this organization. """
permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
org = model.get_organization(orgname)
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
raise NotFound()
application = model.oauth.lookup_application(org, client_id)
if not application:
raise NotFound()
app_data = request.get_json()
application.name = app_data['name']
application.application_uri = app_data['application_uri']
application.redirect_uri = app_data['redirect_uri']
application.description = app_data.get('description', '')
application.gravatar_email = app_data.get('gravatar_email', None)
'application_name': application.name,
'client_id': application.client_id
log_action('update_application', orgname, app_data)
return app_view(application)
raise Unauthorized()
def delete(self, orgname, client_id):
""" Deletes the application under this organization. """
permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
org = model.get_organization(orgname)
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
raise NotFound()
application = model.oauth.delete_application(org, client_id)
if not application:
raise NotFound()
log_action('delete_application', orgname,
{'application_name': application.name, 'client_id': client_id})
return 'Deleted', 204
raise Unauthorized()
@path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization')
@path_param('client_id', 'The OAuth client ID')
class OrganizationApplicationResetClientSecret(ApiResource):
""" Custom verb for resetting the client secret of an application. """
def post(self, orgname, client_id):
""" Resets the client secret of the application. """
permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname)
if permission.can():
org = model.get_organization(orgname)
except model.InvalidOrganizationException:
raise NotFound()
application = model.oauth.lookup_application(org, client_id)
if not application:
raise NotFound()
application = model.oauth.reset_client_secret(application)
log_action('reset_application_client_secret', orgname,
{'application_name': application.name, 'client_id': client_id})
return app_view(application)
raise Unauthorized()