This repository has been archived on 2020-03-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Joseph Schorr 4160b720f9 UI and API improvements for working with large repositories
- Change the tag check bar to only select the current page (by default), but allow for selecting ALL tags
- Limit the number of tags compared in the visualization view to 10
- Fix the multiselect dropdown to limit itself to 10 items selected
- Remove saving the selected tags in the URL, as it is too slow and overloads the URLs in Chrome when there are 1000+ tags selected
- Change the images API to not return locations: By skipping the extra join and looping, it made the /images API call 10x faster (in hand tests)

2015-07-31 16:31:29 -04:00

105 lines
3.7 KiB

<div class="image-info-sidebar-element">
<!-- Comment -->
<div class="image-comment" ng-if="imageData.comment">
<blockquote style="margin-top: 10px;">
<span class="markdown-view" content="imageData.comment"></span>
<!-- Image ID -->
<div class="image-section">
<i class="fa fa-code section-icon" bs-tooltip="tooltip.title" data-title="Full Image ID"></i>
<span class="section-info">
<a class="current-image-link" ng-href="{{ tracker.imageLink(image) }}">
{{ }}
<!-- Tags -->
<div class="image-section">
<i class="fa fa-tag section-icon" data-title="Current Tags" bs-tooltip></i>
<span class="section-info section-info-with-dropdown">
<a class="label tag label-default" ng-repeat="tag in imageData.tags"
href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="tagSelected({'tag': tag})">
{{ tag }}
<span style="color: #ccc;" ng-if="!imageData.tags.length">(No Tags)</span>
<div class="dropdown" data-placement="top"
ng-if="tracker.repository.can_write || imageData.tags">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="dropdown-button" data-toggle="dropdown"
bs-tooltip="tooltip.title" data-title="Manage Tags"
<b class="caret"></b>
<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right">
<li ng-repeat="tag in imageData.tags">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="tagSelected({'tag': tag})">
<i class="fa fa-tag"></i>{{ tag }}
<li class="divider" role="presentation"
ng-if="tracker.repository.can_write && imageData.tags"></li>
<a href="javascript:void(0)"
ng-click="addTagRequested({'image': image})"
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>Add New Tag
<!-- Command -->
<div class="image-section" ng-if="imageData.command && imageData.command.length">
<i class="fa fa-terminal section-icon" data-title="Image Command" bs-tooltip></i>
<span class="section-info">
<span class="formatted-command trimmed"
data-title="{{ getTooltipCommand(imageData) }}"
data-placement="top" bs-tooltip>{{ getFormattedCommand(imageData) }}</span>
<!-- Created -->
<div class="image-section">
<i class="fa fa-calendar section-icon" data-title="Created" bs-tooltip></i>
<span class="section-info">
<dd am-time-ago="parseDate(imageData.created)"></dd>
<!-- Size -->
<div class="image-section">
<i class="fa fa-cloud-upload section-icon"
data-title="The amount of data sent between Docker and the registry when pushing/pulling"
<span class="section-info">{{ imageData.size | bytes }}</span>
<!-- Locations -->
<div class="image-section" ng-if="imageData.locations">
<i class="fa fa-map-marker section-icon"
data-title="The geographic region(s) in which this image data is located"
<span class="section-info">
<span class="location-view" location="location"
ng-repeat="location in imageData.locations"></span>
<!-- Changes -->
<div class="image-section" ng-show="hasImageChanges">
<i class="fa fa-code-fork section-icon"
data-title="File Changes"
<span class="section-info">
<div class="image-changes-view" repository="tracker.repository" image="image"