278 lines
8.8 KiB
278 lines
8.8 KiB
""" API discovery information. """
import re
import logging
import sys
import copy
from flask.ext.restful import reqparse
from endpoints.api import (ApiResource, resource, method_metadata, nickname, truthy_bool,
parse_args, query_param)
from app import app
from auth import scopes
from collections import OrderedDict
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PARAM_REGEX = re.compile(r'<([\w]+:)?([\w]+)>')
truthy_bool: 'boolean',
str: 'string',
basestring: 'string',
reqparse.text_type: 'string',
int: 'integer',
def fully_qualified_name(method_view_class):
return '%s.%s' % (method_view_class.__module__, method_view_class.__name__)
def swagger_route_data(include_internal=False, compact=False):
def swagger_parameter(name, description, kind='path', param_type='string', required=True,
enum=None, schema=None):
# https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#parameterObject
parameter_info = {
'name': name,
'in': kind,
'required': required
if not compact:
parameter_info['description'] = description or ''
if schema:
parameter_info['schema'] = {
'$ref': '#/definitions/%s' % schema
parameter_info['type'] = param_type
if enum is not None and len(list(enum)) > 0:
parameter_info['enum'] = list(enum)
return parameter_info
paths = {}
models = {}
tags = []
tags_added = set()
for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():
endpoint_method = app.view_functions[rule.endpoint]
# Verify that we have a view class for this API method.
if not 'view_class' in dir(endpoint_method):
view_class = endpoint_method.view_class
# Hide the class if it is internal.
internal = method_metadata(view_class, 'internal')
if not include_internal and internal:
# Build the tag.
parts = fully_qualified_name(view_class).split('.')
tag_name = parts[-2]
if not tag_name in tags_added:
'name': tag_name,
'description': (sys.modules[view_class.__module__].__doc__ or '').strip()
# Build the Swagger data for the path.
swagger_path = PARAM_REGEX.sub(r'{\2}', rule.rule)
full_name = fully_qualified_name(view_class)
path_swagger = {
'x-name': full_name,
'x-path': swagger_path,
'x-tag': tag_name
if include_internal:
related_user_res = method_metadata(view_class, 'related_user_resource')
if related_user_res is not None:
path_swagger['x-user-related'] = fully_qualified_name(related_user_res)
paths[swagger_path] = path_swagger
# Add any global path parameters.
param_data_map = view_class.__api_path_params if '__api_path_params' in dir(view_class) else {}
if param_data_map:
path_parameters_swagger = []
for path_parameter in param_data_map:
description = param_data_map[path_parameter].get('description')
path_parameters_swagger.append(swagger_parameter(path_parameter, description))
path_swagger['parameters'] = path_parameters_swagger
# Add the individual HTTP operations.
method_names = list(rule.methods.difference(['HEAD', 'OPTIONS']))
for method_name in method_names:
# https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#operation-object
method = getattr(view_class, method_name.lower(), None)
if method is None:
logger.debug('Unable to find method for %s in class %s', method_name, view_class)
operation_swagger = {
'operationId': method_metadata(method, 'nickname') or 'unnamed',
'parameters': [],
if not compact:
'description': method.__doc__.strip() if method.__doc__ else '',
'tags': [tag_name]
# Mark the method as internal.
internal = method_metadata(method, 'internal')
if internal is not None:
operation_swagger['x-internal'] = True
if include_internal:
requires_fresh_login = method_metadata(method, 'requires_fresh_login')
if requires_fresh_login is not None:
operation_swagger['x-requires-fresh-login'] = True
# Add the path parameters.
if rule.arguments:
for path_parameter in rule.arguments:
description = param_data_map.get(path_parameter, {}).get('description')
operation_swagger['parameters'].append(swagger_parameter(path_parameter, description))
# Add the query parameters.
if '__api_query_params' in dir(method):
for query_parameter_info in method.__api_query_params:
name = query_parameter_info['name']
description = query_parameter_info['help']
param_type = TYPE_CONVERTER[query_parameter_info['type']]
required = query_parameter_info['required']
swagger_parameter(name, description, kind='query',
# Add the OAuth security block.
# https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#securityRequirementObject
scope = method_metadata(method, 'oauth2_scope')
if scope and not compact:
operation_swagger['security'] = [{'oauth2_implicit': [scope.scope]}]
# Add the responses block.
# https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#responsesObject
response_schema_name = method_metadata(method, 'response_schema')
if not compact:
if response_schema_name:
models[response_schema_name] = view_class.schemas[response_schema_name]
responses = {
'400': {
'description': 'Bad Request'
'401': {
'description': 'Session required'
'403': {
'description': 'Unauthorized access'
'404': {
'description': 'Not found'
if method_name == 'DELETE':
responses['204'] = {
'description': 'Deleted'
responses['200'] = {
'description': 'Successful invocation'
if response_schema_name:
responses['200']['schema'] = {
'$ref': '#/definitions/%s' % response_schema_name
operation_swagger['responses'] = responses
# Add the request block.
request_schema_name = method_metadata(method, 'request_schema')
if request_schema_name and not compact:
models[request_schema_name] = view_class.schemas[request_schema_name]
swagger_parameter('body', 'Request body contents.', kind='body',
# Add the operation to the parent path.
if not internal or (internal and include_internal):
path_swagger[method_name.lower()] = operation_swagger
tags.sort(key=lambda t: t['name'])
paths = OrderedDict(sorted(paths.items(), key=lambda p: p[1]['x-tag']))
if compact:
return {'paths': paths}
swagger_data = {
'swagger': '2.0',
'basePath': '/',
'schemes': [
'info': {
'version': 'v1',
'title': 'Quay.io Frontend',
'description': ('This API allows you to perform many of the operations required to work '
'with Quay.io repositories, users, and organizations. You can find out more '
'at <a href="https://quay.io">Quay.io</a>.'),
'termsOfService': 'https://quay.io/tos',
'contact': {
'email': 'support@quay.io'
'securityDefinitions': {
'oauth2_implicit': {
"type": "oauth2",
"flow": "implicit",
"authorizationUrl": "%s://%s/oauth/authorize" % (PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME, SERVER_HOSTNAME),
'scopes': {scope.scope:scope.description
for scope in scopes.app_scopes(app.config).values()},
'paths': paths,
'definitions': models,
'tags': tags
return swagger_data
class DiscoveryResource(ApiResource):
"""Ability to inspect the API for usage information and documentation."""
@query_param('internal', 'Whether to include internal APIs.', type=truthy_bool, default=False)
def get(self, args):
""" List all of the API endpoints available in the swagger API format."""
return swagger_route_data(args['internal'])