This change replaces the metricqueue library with a native Prometheus client implementation with the intention to aggregated results with the Prometheus PushGateway. This change also adds instrumentation for greenlet context switches.
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451 lines
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import logging
import re
from flask import url_for, request, redirect, Response, abort as flask_abort
from app import storage, app, get_app_url, model_cache
from auth.registry_jwt_auth import process_registry_jwt_auth
from auth.permissions import ReadRepositoryPermission
from data import database
from data.registry_model import registry_model
from data.registry_model.blobuploader import (create_blob_upload, retrieve_blob_upload_manager,
complete_when_uploaded, BlobUploadSettings,
BlobUploadException, BlobTooLargeException,
from digest import digest_tools
from endpoints.decorators import (anon_protect, anon_allowed, parse_repository_name,
check_region_blacklisted, check_readonly)
from endpoints.metrics import image_pulled_bytes
from endpoints.v2 import v2_bp, require_repo_read, require_repo_write, get_input_stream
from endpoints.v2.errors import (
BlobUnknown, BlobUploadInvalid, BlobUploadUnknown, Unsupported, NameUnknown, LayerTooLarge,
InvalidRequest, BlobDownloadGeoBlocked)
from util.cache import cache_control
from util.names import parse_namespace_repository
from util.request import get_request_ip
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
BASE_BLOB_ROUTE = '/<repopath:repository>/blobs/<regex("{0}"):digest>'
RANGE_HEADER_REGEX = re.compile(r'^bytes=([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$')
BLOB_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/octet-stream'
class _InvalidRangeHeader(Exception):
@v2_bp.route(BLOB_DIGEST_ROUTE, methods=['HEAD'])
def check_blob_exists(namespace_name, repo_name, digest):
# Find the blob.
blob = registry_model.get_cached_repo_blob(model_cache, namespace_name, repo_name, digest)
if blob is None:
raise BlobUnknown()
# Build the response headers.
headers = {
'Docker-Content-Digest': digest,
'Content-Length': blob.compressed_size,
'Content-Type': BLOB_CONTENT_TYPE,
# If our storage supports range requests, let the client know.
if storage.get_supports_resumable_downloads(blob.placements):
headers['Accept-Ranges'] = 'bytes'
# Write the response to the client.
return Response(headers=headers)
@v2_bp.route(BLOB_DIGEST_ROUTE, methods=['GET'])
def download_blob(namespace_name, repo_name, digest):
# Find the blob.
blob = registry_model.get_cached_repo_blob(model_cache, namespace_name, repo_name, digest)
if blob is None:
raise BlobUnknown()
# Build the response headers.
headers = {'Docker-Content-Digest': digest}
# If our storage supports range requests, let the client know.
if storage.get_supports_resumable_downloads(blob.placements):
headers['Accept-Ranges'] = 'bytes'
# Short-circuit by redirecting if the storage supports it.
path = blob.storage_path
logger.debug('Looking up the direct download URL for path: %s', path)
direct_download_url = storage.get_direct_download_url(blob.placements, path, get_request_ip())
if direct_download_url:
logger.debug('Returning direct download URL')
resp = redirect(direct_download_url)
return resp
# Close the database connection before we stream the download.
logger.debug('Closing database connection before streaming layer data')
with database.CloseForLongOperation(app.config):
# Stream the response to the client.
return Response(
storage.stream_read(blob.placements, path),
'Content-Length': blob.compressed_size,
'Content-Type': BLOB_CONTENT_TYPE,
def _try_to_mount_blob(repository_ref, mount_blob_digest):
""" Attempts to mount a blob requested by the user from another repository. """
logger.debug('Got mount request for blob `%s` into `%s`', mount_blob_digest, repository_ref)
from_repo = request.args.get('from', None)
if from_repo is None:
raise InvalidRequest(message='Missing `from` repository argument')
# Ensure the user has access to the repository.
logger.debug('Got mount request for blob `%s` under repository `%s` into `%s`',
mount_blob_digest, from_repo, repository_ref)
from_namespace, from_repo_name = parse_namespace_repository(from_repo,
from_repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(from_namespace, from_repo_name)
if from_repository_ref is None:
logger.debug('Could not find from repo: `%s/%s`', from_namespace, from_repo_name)
return None
# First check permission.
read_permission = ReadRepositoryPermission(from_namespace, from_repo_name).can()
if not read_permission:
# If no direct permission, check if the repostory is public.
if not from_repository_ref.is_public:
logger.debug('No permission to mount blob `%s` under repository `%s` into `%s`',
mount_blob_digest, from_repo, repository_ref)
return None
# Lookup if the mount blob's digest exists in the repository.
mount_blob = registry_model.get_cached_repo_blob(model_cache, from_namespace, from_repo_name,
if mount_blob is None:
logger.debug('Blob `%s` under repository `%s` not found', mount_blob_digest, from_repo)
return None
logger.debug('Mounting blob `%s` under repository `%s` into `%s`', mount_blob_digest,
from_repo, repository_ref)
# Mount the blob into the current repository and return that we've completed the operation.
expiration_sec = app.config['PUSH_TEMP_TAG_EXPIRATION_SEC']
mounted = registry_model.mount_blob_into_repository(mount_blob, repository_ref, expiration_sec)
if not mounted:
logger.debug('Could not mount blob `%s` under repository `%s` not found', mount_blob_digest,
# Return the response for the blob indicating that it was mounted, and including its content
# digest.
logger.debug('Mounted blob `%s` under repository `%s` into `%s`', mount_blob_digest,
from_repo, repository_ref)
namespace_name = repository_ref.namespace_name
repo_name =
return Response(
'Docker-Content-Digest': mount_blob_digest,
get_app_url() + url_for('v2.download_blob',
repository='%s/%s' % (namespace_name, repo_name),
@v2_bp.route('/<repopath:repository>/blobs/uploads/', methods=['POST'])
@process_registry_jwt_auth(scopes=['pull', 'push'])
def start_blob_upload(namespace_name, repo_name):
repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name)
if repository_ref is None:
raise NameUnknown()
# Check for mounting of a blob from another repository.
mount_blob_digest = request.args.get('mount', None)
if mount_blob_digest is not None:
response = _try_to_mount_blob(repository_ref, mount_blob_digest)
if response is not None:
return response
# Begin the blob upload process.
blob_uploader = create_blob_upload(repository_ref, storage, _upload_settings())
if blob_uploader is None:
logger.debug('Could not create a blob upload for `%s/%s`', namespace_name, repo_name)
raise InvalidRequest(message='Unable to start blob upload for unknown repository')
# Check if the blob will be uploaded now or in followup calls. If the `digest` is given, then
# the upload will occur as a monolithic chunk in this call. Otherwise, we return a redirect
# for the client to upload the chunks as distinct operations.
digest = request.args.get('digest', None)
if digest is None:
# Short-circuit because the user will send the blob data in another request.
return Response(
'Docker-Upload-UUID': blob_uploader.blob_upload_id,
'Range': _render_range(0),
get_app_url() + url_for('v2.upload_chunk',
repository='%s/%s' % (namespace_name, repo_name),
# Upload the data sent and commit it to a blob.
with complete_when_uploaded(blob_uploader):
_upload_chunk(blob_uploader, digest)
# Write the response to the client.
return Response(
'Docker-Content-Digest': digest,
get_app_url() + url_for('v2.download_blob',
repository='%s/%s' % (namespace_name, repo_name),
@v2_bp.route('/<repopath:repository>/blobs/uploads/<upload_uuid>', methods=['GET'])
def fetch_existing_upload(namespace_name, repo_name, upload_uuid):
repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name)
if repository_ref is None:
raise NameUnknown()
uploader = retrieve_blob_upload_manager(repository_ref, upload_uuid, storage, _upload_settings())
if uploader is None:
raise BlobUploadUnknown()
return Response(
'Docker-Upload-UUID': upload_uuid,
'Range': _render_range(uploader.blob_upload.byte_count + 1), # byte ranges are exclusive
@v2_bp.route('/<repopath:repository>/blobs/uploads/<upload_uuid>', methods=['PATCH'])
@process_registry_jwt_auth(scopes=['pull', 'push'])
def upload_chunk(namespace_name, repo_name, upload_uuid):
repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name)
if repository_ref is None:
raise NameUnknown()
uploader = retrieve_blob_upload_manager(repository_ref, upload_uuid, storage, _upload_settings())
if uploader is None:
raise BlobUploadUnknown()
# Upload the chunk for the blob.
# Write the response to the client.
return Response(
'Location': _current_request_url(),
'Range': _render_range(uploader.blob_upload.byte_count, with_bytes_prefix=False),
'Docker-Upload-UUID': upload_uuid,
@v2_bp.route('/<repopath:repository>/blobs/uploads/<upload_uuid>', methods=['PUT'])
@process_registry_jwt_auth(scopes=['pull', 'push'])
def monolithic_upload_or_last_chunk(namespace_name, repo_name, upload_uuid):
# Ensure the digest is present before proceeding.
digest = request.args.get('digest', None)
if digest is None:
raise BlobUploadInvalid(detail={'reason': 'Missing digest arg on monolithic upload'})
# Find the upload.
repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name)
if repository_ref is None:
raise NameUnknown()
uploader = retrieve_blob_upload_manager(repository_ref, upload_uuid, storage, _upload_settings())
if uploader is None:
raise BlobUploadUnknown()
# Upload the chunk for the blob and commit it once complete.
with complete_when_uploaded(uploader):
_upload_chunk(uploader, digest)
# Write the response to the client.
return Response(status=201, headers={
'Docker-Content-Digest': digest,
get_app_url() + url_for('v2.download_blob',
repository='%s/%s' % (namespace_name, repo_name),
@v2_bp.route('/<repopath:repository>/blobs/uploads/<upload_uuid>', methods=['DELETE'])
@process_registry_jwt_auth(scopes=['pull', 'push'])
def cancel_upload(namespace_name, repo_name, upload_uuid):
repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name)
if repository_ref is None:
raise NameUnknown()
uploader = retrieve_blob_upload_manager(repository_ref, upload_uuid, storage, _upload_settings())
if uploader is None:
raise BlobUploadUnknown()
return Response(status=204)
@v2_bp.route('/<repopath:repository>/blobs/<digest>', methods=['DELETE'])
@process_registry_jwt_auth(scopes=['pull', 'push'])
def delete_digest(namespace_name, repo_name, upload_uuid):
# We do not support deleting arbitrary digests, as they break repo images.
raise Unsupported()
def _render_range(num_uploaded_bytes, with_bytes_prefix=True):
Returns a string formatted to be used in the Range header.
return '{0}0-{1}'.format('bytes=' if with_bytes_prefix else '', num_uploaded_bytes - 1)
def _current_request_url():
return '{0}{1}{2}'.format(get_app_url(), request.script_root, request.path)
def _abort_range_not_satisfiable(valid_end, upload_uuid):
Writes a failure response for scenarios where the registry cannot function
with the provided range.
TODO: Unify this with the V2RegistryException class.
Response(status=416, headers={
'Location': _current_request_url(),
'Range': '0-{0}'.format(valid_end),
'Docker-Upload-UUID': upload_uuid}))
def _parse_range_header(range_header_text):
Parses the range header.
Returns a tuple of the start offset and the length.
If the parse fails, raises _InvalidRangeHeader.
found = RANGE_HEADER_REGEX.match(range_header_text)
if found is None:
raise _InvalidRangeHeader()
start = int(
length = int( - start
if length <= 0:
raise _InvalidRangeHeader()
return (start, length)
def _start_offset_and_length(range_header):
Returns a tuple of the start offset and the length.
If the range header doesn't exist, defaults to (0, -1).
If parsing fails, returns (None, None).
start_offset, length = 0, -1
if range_header is not None:
start_offset, length = _parse_range_header(range_header)
except _InvalidRangeHeader:
return None, None
return start_offset, length
def _upload_settings():
""" Returns the settings for instantiating a blob upload manager. """
expiration_sec = app.config['PUSH_TEMP_TAG_EXPIRATION_SEC']
settings = BlobUploadSettings(maximum_blob_size=app.config['MAXIMUM_LAYER_SIZE'],
return settings
def _upload_chunk(blob_uploader, commit_digest=None):
""" Performs uploading of a chunk of data in the current request's stream, via the blob uploader
given. If commit_digest is specified, the upload is committed to a blob once the stream's
data has been read and stored.
start_offset, length = _start_offset_and_length(request.headers.get('range'))
if None in {start_offset, length}:
raise InvalidRequest(message='Invalid range header')
input_fp = get_input_stream(request)
# Upload the data received.
blob_uploader.upload_chunk(app.config, input_fp, start_offset, length)
if commit_digest is not None:
# Commit the upload to a blob.
return blob_uploader.commit_to_blob(app.config, commit_digest)
except BlobTooLargeException as ble:
raise LayerTooLarge(uploaded=ble.uploaded, max_allowed=ble.max_allowed)
except BlobRangeMismatchException:
logger.exception('Exception when uploading blob to %s', blob_uploader.blob_upload_id)
except BlobUploadException:
logger.exception('Exception when uploading blob to %s', blob_uploader.blob_upload_id)
raise BlobUploadInvalid()