This change replaces the metricqueue library with a native Prometheus client implementation with the intention to aggregated results with the Prometheus PushGateway. This change also adds instrumentation for greenlet context switches.
73 lines
2.7 KiB
73 lines
2.7 KiB
import pytest
from mock import patch, Mock
from httmock import urlmatch, HTTMock
from notifications.notificationmethod import (QuayNotificationMethod, EmailMethod, WebhookMethod,
FlowdockMethod, HipchatMethod, SlackMethod,
from notifications.notificationevent import RepoPushEvent
from notifications.models_interface import Repository
from workers.notificationworker.notificationworker import NotificationWorker
from test.fixtures import *
from workers.notificationworker.models_pre_oci import pre_oci_model as model
def test_basic_notification_endtoend(initialized_db):
# Ensure the public user doesn't have any notifications.
assert not model.user_has_local_notifications('public')
# Add a basic build notification.
notification_uuid = model.create_notification_for_testing('public')
event_data = {}
# Fire off the queue processing.
worker = NotificationWorker(None)
'notification_uuid': notification_uuid,
'event_data': event_data,
# Ensure the notification was handled.
assert model.user_has_local_notifications('public')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('method,method_config,netloc', [
(QuayNotificationMethod, {'target': {'name': 'devtable', 'kind': 'user'}}, None),
(EmailMethod, {'email': ''}, None),
(WebhookMethod, {'url': ''}, ''),
(FlowdockMethod, {'flow_api_token': 'sometoken'}, ''),
(HipchatMethod, {'notification_token': 'token', 'room_id': 'foo'}, ''),
(SlackMethod, {'url': ''}, ''),
def test_notifications(method, method_config, netloc, initialized_db):
url_hit = [False]
def url_handler(_, __):
url_hit[0] = True
return ''
mock = Mock()
def get_mock(*args, **kwargs):
return mock
with patch('notifications.notificationmethod.Message', get_mock):
with HTTMock(url_handler):
# Add a basic build notification.
notification_uuid = model.create_notification_for_testing('public',
event_data = RepoPushEvent().get_sample_data('devtable', 'simple', {})
# Fire off the queue processing.
worker = NotificationWorker(None)
'notification_uuid': notification_uuid,
'event_data': event_data,
'performer_data': {},
if netloc is not None:
assert url_hit[0]