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Package handlers is a collection of handlers (aka "HTTP middleware") for use
with Go's `net/http` package (or any framework supporting `http.Handler`), including:

* `LoggingHandler` for logging HTTP requests in the Apache [Common Log
* `CombinedLoggingHandler` for logging HTTP requests in the Apache [Combined Log
  Format](http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/logs.html#combined) commonly used by
  both Apache and nginx.
* `CompressHandler` for gzipping responses.
* `ContentTypeHandler` for validating requests against a list of accepted
  content types.
* `MethodHandler` for matching HTTP methods against handlers in a
* `ProxyHeaders` for populating `r.RemoteAddr` and `r.URL.Scheme` based on the
  `X-Forwarded-For`, `X-Real-IP`, `X-Forwarded-Proto` and RFC7239 `Forwarded`
  headers when running a Go server behind a HTTP reverse proxy.
* `CanonicalHost` for re-directing to the preferred host when handling multiple 
  domains (i.e. multiple CNAME aliases).

Other handlers are documented [on the Gorilla

## Example

A simple example using `handlers.LoggingHandler` and `handlers.CompressHandler`:

import (

func main() {
    r := http.NewServeMux()

    // Only log requests to our admin dashboard to stdout
    r.Handle("/admin", handlers.LoggingHandler(os.Stdout, http.HandlerFunc(ShowAdminDashboard)))
    r.HandleFunc("/", ShowIndex)

    // Wrap our server with our gzip handler to gzip compress all responses.
    http.ListenAndServe(":8000", handlers.CompressHandler(r))

## License

BSD licensed. See the included LICENSE file for details.