Remote md5 and sha1 hashes which are not supported by distribution. Add more secure hashes sha384 and sha512. Signed-off-by: Derek McGowan <derek@mcgstyle.net> (github: dmcgowan)
106 lines
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106 lines
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package digest
import (
func TestParseDigest(t *testing.T) {
for _, testcase := range []struct {
input string
err error
algorithm string
hex string
input: "tarsum+sha256:e58fcf7418d4390dec8e8fb69d88c06ec07039d651fedd3aa72af9972e7d046b",
algorithm: "tarsum+sha256",
hex: "e58fcf7418d4390dec8e8fb69d88c06ec07039d651fedd3aa72af9972e7d046b",
input: "tarsum.dev+sha256:e58fcf7418d4390dec8e8fb69d88c06ec07039d651fedd3aa72af9972e7d046b",
algorithm: "tarsum.dev+sha256",
hex: "e58fcf7418d4390dec8e8fb69d88c06ec07039d651fedd3aa72af9972e7d046b",
input: "tarsum.v1+sha256:220a60ecd4a3c32c282622a625a54db9ba0ff55b5ba9c29c7064a2bc358b6a3e",
algorithm: "tarsum.v1+sha256",
hex: "220a60ecd4a3c32c282622a625a54db9ba0ff55b5ba9c29c7064a2bc358b6a3e",
input: "sha256:e58fcf7418d4390dec8e8fb69d88c06ec07039d651fedd3aa72af9972e7d046b",
algorithm: "sha256",
hex: "e58fcf7418d4390dec8e8fb69d88c06ec07039d651fedd3aa72af9972e7d046b",
input: "sha384:d3fc7881460b7e22e3d172954463dddd7866d17597e7248453c48b3e9d26d9596bf9c4a9cf8072c9d5bad76e19af801d",
algorithm: "sha384",
hex: "d3fc7881460b7e22e3d172954463dddd7866d17597e7248453c48b3e9d26d9596bf9c4a9cf8072c9d5bad76e19af801d",
// empty hex
input: "sha256:",
err: ErrDigestInvalidFormat,
// just hex
input: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
err: ErrDigestInvalidFormat,
input: "foo:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
err: ErrDigestUnsupported,
} {
digest, err := ParseDigest(testcase.input)
if err != testcase.err {
t.Fatalf("error differed from expected while parsing %q: %v != %v", testcase.input, err, testcase.err)
if testcase.err != nil {
if digest.Algorithm() != testcase.algorithm {
t.Fatalf("incorrect algorithm for parsed digest: %q != %q", digest.Algorithm(), testcase.algorithm)
if digest.Hex() != testcase.hex {
t.Fatalf("incorrect hex for parsed digest: %q != %q", digest.Hex(), testcase.hex)
// Parse string return value and check equality
newParsed, err := ParseDigest(digest.String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error parsing input %q: %v", testcase.input, err)
if newParsed != digest {
t.Fatalf("expected equal: %q != %q", newParsed, digest)
// A few test cases used to fix behavior we expect in storage backend.
func TestFromTarArchiveZeroLength(t *testing.T) {
checkTarsumDigest(t, "zero-length archive", bytes.NewReader([]byte{}), DigestTarSumV1EmptyTar)
func TestFromTarArchiveEmptyTar(t *testing.T) {
// String of 1024 zeros is a valid, empty tar file.
checkTarsumDigest(t, "1024 zero bytes", bytes.NewReader(bytes.Repeat([]byte("\x00"), 1024)), DigestTarSumV1EmptyTar)
func checkTarsumDigest(t *testing.T, msg string, rd io.Reader, expected Digest) {
dgst, err := FromTarArchive(rd)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error digesting %s: %v", msg, err)
if dgst != expected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected digest for %s: %q != %q", msg, dgst, expected)