node() { def ocCmd = "oc --token=`cat /var/run/secrets/` --server=https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local --certificate-authority=/run/secrets/" def buildConfigFile = "ruby-ex/deployment/config/build.yaml" def appConfigFile = "ruby-ex/deployment/config/app.yaml" stage('Build') { git "" sh "ls -la" sh "${ocCmd} process -f ${buildConfigFile} -n rubex-dev | ${ocCmd} apply -f - -n rubex-dev" sh "${ocCmd} start-build frontend -w -n rubex-dev" } stage('Deploy to DEV') { sh "${ocCmd} process -f ${appConfigFile} -v ENV=dev -n rubex-dev | ${ocCmd} apply -f - -n rubex-dev" sh "${ocCmd} tag rubex-dev/frontend:latest rubex-dev/frontend:dev" sh "${ocCmd} rollout latest dc/frontend -n rubex-dev" sh "${ocCmd} rollout status dc/frontend -n rubex-dev" } def isPromoteToTest = false stage('Promote to TEST?') { isPromoteToTest = input(message: 'Promotion', parameters: [booleanParam(defaultValue: false, name: 'Promote to TEST?')]) } if (isPromoteToTest) { stage('Deploy to TEST') { sh "${ocCmd} process -f ${appConfigFile} -v ENV=test -n rubex-test | ${ocCmd} apply -f - -n rubex-test" sh "${ocCmd} tag rubex-dev/frontend:dev rubex-dev/frontend:test" sh "${ocCmd} rollout latest dc/frontend -n rubex-test" sh "${ocCmd} rollout status dc/frontend -n rubex-test" } } }