# tor-box This is an image/container build for a transparently tor proxied host ## build This uses [mkosi](https://github.com/systemd/mkosi) which is packaged for some distros, or easy-enough to install from source. ```shell git clone git://github.com/vbatts/tor-box cd ./tor-box sudo mkosi ``` ## Usage ```shell systemd-nspawn -bni $(pwd)/image.raw -M tor-box ``` This boots the container up, but gives you a login prompt with no root passwd set. The container is on private network with a veth to the host. This expects systemd-networkd on the host to be configured and running. To get a shell inside this container, do: ```shell machinectl shell tor-box Connected to machine tor-box. Press ^] three times within 1s to exit session. sh-4.4# curl ifconfig.co/json {"ip":"","ip_decimal":1541362332,"country":"Netherlands","city":"Unknown","hostname":"hosted-by.iws.co"}sh-4.4# ``` From here you can run `passwd` if you'd like, to set a password for root. ## Start on boot The resulting `image.raw` and `image.nspawn` files can be installed and enabled like services on a host. ```shell sudo mv ./image.raw /var/lib/machines/tor-box.raw sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/nspawn sudo mv ./image.nspawn /etc/systemd/nspawn/tor-box.raw.nspawn sudo sudo systemctl start systemd-nspawn@tor-box.raw sudo sudo systemctl status systemd-nspawn@tor-box.raw ``` Likewise you can enable it to start on-boot with: ```shell sudo sudo systemctl enable systemd-nspawn@tor-box.raw ``` (this requires `systemd-machined.service` to be enabled on the host. ## Props and References * https://blog.jessfraz.com/post/routing-traffic-through-tor-docker-container/ * https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TransparentProxy