
1001 B




Good humored, cooperative, competitive torture, for the purposes of exploring strategies, design, progess and history of gaming


  • You may invite new members to join in gaming, but they are your responsibility
  • New invitees should come to provisionary games (e.g., Friday games) for the sake of the invitee and the group
  • If the group at large does not like a guest then that guest may not be allowed at future events


  • If after more than one explanation, and video tutorial, you require continued clarification a particular game, perhaps it's not the game for you
  • If a game seems "broken"/"designed poorly"/"terrible", more over consistently so, and by continued review it appears to just be only you experiencing this, maybe that game isn't for you
  • If you feel the need to continue complaining about a particular game then you must provide a considerable alternative, suffice to stop complaining, or consider sitting out that day