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2020-06-15 07:18:57 -07:00
#include "libc/nt/enum/status.h"
#include "libc/nt/enum/threadinfoclass.h"
#if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0)
/* ░░░░
cosmopolitan § new technology » beyond the pale » threads
The functions and structures in [for these APIs] are internal to
the operating system and subject to change from one release of
Windows to the next, and possibly even between service packs for
each release. Quoth MSDN */
struct NtClientId;
struct NtContext;
struct NtObjectAttributes;
struct NtUserStack;
NtStatus NtCreateThread(int64_t *out_ThreadHandle, uint32_t DesiredAccess,
struct NtObjectAttributes *ObjectAttributes,
int64_t ProcessHandle, struct NtClientId *out_ClientId,
struct NtContext *ThreadContext,
struct NtUserStack *UserStack, int32_t CreateSuspended);
NtStatus NtTerminateThread(void *opt_ThreadHandle, int32_t ExitStatus);
NtStatus NtOpenThread(int64_t *out_ThreadHandle, uint32_t DesiredAccess,
struct NtObjectAttributes *ObjectAttributes,
struct NtClientId *ClientId);
NtStatus NtQueryInformationThread(int64_t ThreadHandle,
enum NtThreadInfoClass ThreadInformationClass,
void *out_ThreadInformation,
uint32_t ThreadInformationLength,
uint32_t *opt_out_ReturnLength);
NtStatus NtGetContextThread(int64_t ThreadHandle,
struct NtContext *out_Context);
NtStatus NtSetContextThread(int64_t ThreadHandle, struct NtContext *Context);
NtStatus NtSuspendThread(int64_t ThreadHandle,
uint32_t *opt_out_PreviousSuspendCount);
NtStatus NtResumeThread(int64_t ThreadHandle,
uint32_t *opt_out_PreviousSuspendCount);
NtStatus NtOpenThreadToken(int64_t ThreadHandle, uint32_t DesiredAccess,
int32_t OpenAsSelf, int64_t *out_TokenHandle);
NtStatus NtSetInformationThread(int64_t ThreadHandle,
enum NtThreadInfoClass ThreadInformationClass,
void *ThreadInformation,
uint32_t ThreadInformationLength);
#endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */