
270 lines
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package cgroup
#include <libcgroup.h>
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lcgroup
// work around for the 'type' special word
enum cgroup_file_type type_from_file_info(struct cgroup_file_info fi) {
return fi.type;
import "C"
import (
Structure describing one or more control groups. The structure is opaque to
type Cgroup struct {
g *C.struct_group
func NewCgroup(name string) Cgroup {
cg := Cgroup{
runtime.SetFinalizer(cg, freeCgroupThings)
return cg
func (cg *Cgroup) AddController(name string) Controller {
return Controller{
C.cgroup_add_controller(cg.g, C.CString(name)),
func (cg Cgroup) GetController(name string) Controller {
return Controller{
C.cgroup_get_controller(cg.g, C.CString(name)),
func freeCgroupThings(cg Cgroup) {
func freeCgroup(cg Cgroup) {
func freeControllers(cg Cgroup) {
Physically create a control group in kernel. The group is created in all
hierarchies, which cover controllers added by Cgroup.AddController().
TODO correct docs for golang implementation
All parameters set by cgroup_add_value_* functions are written.
The created groups has owner which was set by cgroup_set_uid_gid() and
permissions set by cgroup_set_permissions.
func CreateGroup(cg Cgroup, ignore_ownership bool) error {
var i int = 0
if ignore_ownership == true {
i = 1
return _err(C.cgroup_create_cgroup(cg.g, C.int(i)))
Structure describing a controller attached to one struct @c cgroup, including
parameters of the group and their values. The structure is opaque to
type Controller struct {
c *C.struct_cgroup_controller
Initialize libcgroup. Information about mounted hierarchies are examined
and cached internally (just what's mounted where, not the groups themselves).
func Init() error {
return _err(C.cgroup_init())
Load configuration file and mount and create control groups described there.
See cgconfig.conf man page for format of the file.
func LoadConfig(filename string) error {
return _err(C.cgroup_config_load_config(C.CString(filename)))
Delete all control groups and unmount all hierarchies.
func Unload() error {
return _err(C.cgroup_unload_cgroups())
type DeleteFlag int
const (
// Ignore errors caused by migration of tasks to parent group.
DeleteIgnoreMigration = DeleteFlag(C.CGFLAG_DELETE_IGNORE_MIGRATION)
// Recursively delete all child groups.
DeleteRecursive = DeleteFlag(C.CGFLAG_DELETE_RECURSIVE)
Delete the cgroup only if it is empty, i.e. it has no subgroups and
no processes inside. This flag cannot be used with
DeleteEmptyOnly = DeleteFlag(C.CGFLAG_DELETE_EMPTY_ONLY)
Delete all cgroups and unmount all mount points defined in specified config
The groups are either removed recursively or only the empty ones, based
on given flags. Mount point are always umounted only if they are empty,
regardless of any flags.
The groups are sorted before they are removed, so the removal of empty ones
actually works (i.e. subgroups are removed first).
func UnloadFromConfig(filename string, flags DeleteFlag) error {
return _err(C.cgroup_config_unload_config(C.CString(filename), C.int(flags)))
Sets default permissions of groups created by subsequent
cgroup_config_load_config() calls. If a config file contains a 'default {}'
section, the default permissions from the config file is then used.
Use cgroup_new_cgroup() to create a dummy group and cgroup_set_uid_gid() and
cgroup_set_permissions() to set its permissions. Use NO_UID_GID instead of
GID/UID and NO_PERMS instead of file/directory permissions to let kernel
decide the default permissions where you don't want specific user and/or
permissions. Kernel then uses current user/group and permissions from umask
New default permissions from this group are copied to libcgroup internal
func SetDefault(cg Cgroup) error {
return _err(C.cgroup_config_set_default(cg.g))
type FileInfo struct {
Type FileType
Path string
Parent string
FullPath string
Depth int8
func fromCFileInfo(cData C.struct_cgroup_file_info) FileInfo {
return FileInfo{
Type: FileType(C.type_from_file_info(cData)),
Path: C.GoString(cData.path),
Parent: C.GoString(cData.parent),
FullPath: C.GoString(cData.full_path),
Depth: int8(cData.depth),
type FileType int
const (
FileTypeFile = FileType(C.CGROUP_FILE_TYPE_FILE)
FileTypeDir = FileType(C.CGROUP_FILE_TYPE_DIR)
FileTypeOther = FileType(C.CGROUP_FILE_TYPE_OTHER)
int cgroup_walk_tree_begin(const char *controller, const char *base_path, int depth,
void **handle, struct cgroup_file_info *info,
int *base_level);
Information model for Controllers available
type ControllerData struct {
Name string
Hierarchy int
NumCgroups int
Enabled int
func fromCControllerData(cData C.struct_controller_data) ControllerData {
return ControllerData{
Name: C.GoString(&cData.name[0]),
Hierarchy: int(cData.hierarchy),
NumCgroups: int(cData.num_cgroups),
Enabled: int(cData.enabled),
func GetAllControllers() (controllers []ControllerData, err error) {
var (
cd C.struct_controller_data
handle unsafe.Pointer
err = _err(C.cgroup_get_all_controller_begin(&handle, &cd))
if err != nil {
return controllers, err
defer C.cgroup_get_all_controller_end(&handle)
controllers = append(controllers, fromCControllerData(cd))
for {
err = _err(C.cgroup_get_all_controller_next(&handle, &cd))
if err != nil && err != ECGEOF {
return controllers, err
controllers = append(controllers, fromCControllerData(cd))
if err == ECGEOF {
return controllers, nil
func GetSubSysMountPoint(controller string) (string, error) {
var mp *C.char
err := _err(C.cgroup_get_subsys_mount_point(C.CString(controller), &mp))
if err != nil {
return "", err
return C.GoString(mp), nil
var (
// End-of-file for iterators
ECGEOF = errors.New(C.GoString(C.cgroup_strerror(C.ECGEOF)))
ECGOTHER = errors.New(C.GoString(C.cgroup_strerror(C.ECGOTHER)))
Return last errno, which caused ECGOTHER error.
func LastError() error {
return _err(C.cgroup_get_last_errno())
func _err(num C.int) error {
switch num {
case 0:
return nil
case C.ECGEOF:
return ECGEOF
// There's a lot. We'll create them as they come
return errors.New(C.GoString(C.cgroup_strerror(num)))