I refactored the code trying to fit it onto one screen. So not all of the
changes are material to the bug fix.
About this commit: TMW->Wylie for {b.s.d} now gives bsad instead of bas.d.
This fixes part of bug 998476, and is done because Andres thinks it'll work
most of the time. But don't be surprised if an exception comes up in the
future and we have to trivially change the code to catch it.
well-formed. They still do, but they do it less often.
Chris Fynn wrote this a while back:
By normal Tibetan & Dzongkha spelling, writing, and input rules
Tibetan script stacks should be entered and written: 1 headline
consonant (0F40->0F6A), any subjoined consonant(s) (0F90-> 0F9C),
achung (0F71), shabkyu (0F74), any above headline vowel(s) (0F72
0F7A 0F7B 0F7C 0F7D and 0F80); any ngaro (0F7E, 0F82 and 0F83).
Now efforts are made to ensure that the converters conform to the
above rules.
Fixed crashing bug reported by Teresa Lam. Added tests so that I'm fairly
certain that no more crashing bugs exist. Removed a marker for iffy code
after understanding that code via test cases.
Fixed crashing bug reported by Teresa Lam. Added tests so that I'm fairly
certain that no more crashing bugs exist. Removed a marker for iffy code
after understanding that code via test cases.
that the paste method is over-ridden for "smart-pasting". If pasting TMW paste
as is. If pasting TM, converts to TMW. If neither of these fonts are used,
assumes transliteration and converts to TMW.
as text to be passed through (without the brackets in the case of {}) literally,
which is the case by default because Robert Chilton requested it, or the old,
ad-hoc mechanism which could be useful for finding some ugly input.
Made a couple of error messages a little more verbose now that we have
short-message mode.
warnings in ACIP->Tibetan conversion much more configurable. You can
now choose from short or long error messages, for one thing. You can change
the severity of almost all warnings. Each error and warning has an error code.
Errors and warnings are better tested.
The converter GUI has a new checkbox for short messages; the converter
CLI has a new mandatory option for short messages.
I also fixed a bug whereby certain errors were not being appended to the
'errors' StringBuffer.
dropped the ball on) introduced two lines for 8,95. This is a bad thing, so
I've taken out the second line. I've also introduced a check in
TibetanMachineWeb.java such that we'll know that tibwn.ini has no such
error in the future just by running 'ant clean jskad-run' and making sure that
the GUI is indeed visible.
I also updated the test baselines now that F03A and 0F82 are squared away.
confused; many glyphs that should have yielded errors were not.
I've added a test case that transforms every TMW glyph save the one with
no TM mapping to ACIP. I hand-checked that it was correct.
ACIP->TMW is fixed for # and *. I never noticed it, but each needed an
extra swoosh (U+0F05).
Round-tripping would be good, as would testing real-world use of
may also require changes to the following, but I'm going to ask if it really
should or not.
// Y+Y~185,3~~6,98~1,109~6,120~1,123~1,125~6,106~6,113~f61,fbb
// Y+r~186,3~~6,99~1,109~6,120~1,123~1,125~6,106~6,113~f61,fb2
// Y+w~187,3~~6,100~1,109~6,120~1,123~1,125~6,106~6,113~f61,fad
// Y+s~188,3~~6,101~1,109~6,120~1,123~1,125~6,106~6,113~f61,fb6
// W+y~69,4~~7,79~1,109~8,121~1,123~1,125~8,107~8,114~f5d,fb1
// W+r~70,4~~7,80~1,109~8,121~1,123~1,125~8,107~8,114~f5d,fb2
// W+n~195,4~~7,81~1,109~8,120~1,123~1,125~8,106~8,113~f5d,fa3
// W+W~194,4~~7,82~1,109~8,120~1,123~1,125~8,106~8,113~f5d,fba
Before it would run in pocket pc's through the more restricted personalJava specification
but Sun's vm for pocket pc's project was terminated. Now it is designed to run under
IBM's VM for pocket pc's called J9 which implements the Personal Profile specification.
Such specification also supports awt, but not swing so still there is no (hope for) support
of Tibetan script in the pocket pc's,
TMW->EWTS improved as a result -- {\u0F38.gonga sa } is produced now where {\u0F38agonga sa } was once produced. Even the better version is imperfect; see bug 855877.
Support for U+F021-U+F0FF, the PUA that the latest EWTS uses, is not provided.
Also, we've traded some speed for memory -- DuffCode now uses bytes, not ints.
Found another inconsistency between Unicode and the TM/TMW docs. I've sent e-mail to Tony Duff asking who's right, but I'm putting this in the errata under the assumption that even if Unicode is wrong, Unicode's wrong view will somehow rule the day.
Also, TMW->EWTS now generates \uF021-\uF0FF or \u0F00-\u0FFF escapes when appropriate. A few TMW glyphs still give errors.
Also, there's now a test to be sure that TM<->TMW and TMW->EWTS won't break in the future (except for the one glyph in TMW that isn't in TM, that one isn't tested). The baselines have not been hand-verified, but changes will be detected.