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# CNCF Serverless WG Proposal
## TOC Sponsor
Ken Owens
## Objective
Explore the intersection of cloud native and serverless technology.
## Goals and Expected Outcomes
* Produce a whitepaper
* Produce a serverless landscape
* Explore specifications for serverless to propose to the CNCF
* Bring recommendations to the TOC on serverless projects in CNCF
## Non Goals
* Define one serverless project to rule them all
## Initial Interested Parties
* Sarah Allen (Google)
* Chris Aniszczyk (CNCF)
* Chad Arimura (Oracle)
* Ben Browning (Red Hat)
* Lee Calcote (SolarWinds)
* Amir Chaudhry (Docker)
* Doug Davis (IBM)
* Louis Fourie (Huawei)
* Antonio Gulli (Google)
* Yaron Haviv (iguazio)
* Daniel Krook (IBM)
* Orit Nissan-Messing (iguazio)
* Chris Munns (AWS)
* Ken Owens (Mastercard)
* Mark Peek (VMWare)
* Cathy Zhang (Huawei)