643 B
643 B
CNCF Storage WG Proposal
TOC Sponsor
Ben Hindman
Explore cloud native storage technology and concepts.
Goals and Expected Outcomes
- Produce a landscape
- Explore specifications for storage to propose to the CNCF
- Bring recommendations to the TOC on storage projects in CNCF
Non Goals
- N/A
Initial Interested Parties
- Ben Hindman (@benh) [lead]
- Steven Tan (@stevenphtan)
- Clinton Kitson (@clintonskitson)
- Alex Chircop (@chira001)
- Steve Wong (@cantbewong)
- Venkat Ramakrishnan (@katkrish)
- Gou Rao (@gourao)
- Vinod Jayaraman (@jvinod)
- Allen Samuels (@allensamuels)
- Yaron Haviv (@yaronhaviv)