
858 lines
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# This script requires an OCI IMAGE Name to pull.
# The script generates a SOURCE Image based on the OCI Image
# Script must be executed on the same OS or newer as the image.
export ABV_NAME="SrcImg"
# TODO maybe a flag for this?
export source_image_suffix="-source"
_usage() {
echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-b <path>] [-c <path>] [-e <path>] [-o <path>] [-p] IMAGE"
echo ""
echo -e " -b <path>\tbase path for source image builds"
echo -e " -c <path>\tbuild context for the container image. Can be provided via CONTEXT_DIR env variable"
echo -e " -e <path>\textra src for the container image. Can be provided via EXTRA_SRC_DIR env variable"
echo -e " -r <path>\tdirectory of RPMS to add. Can be provided via RPM_DIR env variable"
echo -e " -o <path>\toutput the OCI image to path. Can be provided via OUTPUT_DIR env variable"
echo -e " -d <drivers>\toutput the OCI image to path. Can be provided via OUTPUT_DIR env variable"
echo -e " -l\t\tlist the source drivers available"
echo -e " -p\t\tpush source image after build"
echo -e " -D\t\tdebuging output. Can be set via DEBUG env variable"
exit 1
# sanity checks on startup
_init() {
if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
set -o pipefail
# check for tools we depend on
for cmd in jq skopeo dnf file find ; do
if [ -z "$(command -v ${cmd})" ] ; then
# TODO: maybe this could be individual checks so it can report
# where to find the tools
echo "ERROR: please install '${cmd}' package"
_is_sourced() {
# thanks @tianon
[ "${FUNCNAME[${#FUNCNAME[@]} - 1]}" == 'source' ]
# count $character $string
_count() {
#expr $(echo "${2}" | tr "${1}" '\n' | wc -l) - 1
echo -n ${#c}
# size of file in bytes
_size() {
local file="${1}"
stat -c "%s" "${file}" | tr -d '\n'
# date timestamp in RFC 3339, to the nanosecond
_date_ns() {
date --rfc-3339=ns | tr -d '\n'
# local `mktemp -d`
_mktemp_d() {
mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${ABV_NAME}.XXXXXX"
# local `mktemp`
_mktemp() {
mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${ABV_NAME}.XXXXXX"
# local rm -rf
_rm_rf() {
_debug "rm -rf $@"
#rm -rf $@
# local tar
_tar() {
if [ -n "${DEBUG}" ] ; then
tar -v $@
tar $@
# output things, only when $DEBUG is set
_debug() {
if [ -n "${DEBUG}" ] ; then
echo "[${ABV_NAME}][DEBUG] ${@}"
# general echo but with prefix
_info() {
echo "[${ABV_NAME}][INFO] ${@}"
# general echo but with prefix
_error() {
echo "[${ABV_NAME}][ERROR] ${@}" >&2
exit 1
# parse the OCI image reference, accounting for:
# * transport name
# * presence or lack of transport port number
# * presence or lack of digest
# * presence or lack of image tag
# return the image reference's digest, if any
parse_img_digest() {
local ref="${1}"
local digest=""
if [ "$(_count '@' ${ref})" -gt 0 ] ; then
digest="${ref##*@}" # the digest after the "@"
echo -n "${digest}"
# determine image base name (without tag or digest)
parse_img_base() {
local ref="${1%@*}" # just the portion before the digest "@"
local base="${ref}" default to the same
if [ "$(_count ':' $(echo ${ref} | tr '/' '\n' | tail -1 ))" -gt 0 ] ; then
# which means everything before it is the base image name, **including
# transport (which could have a port delineation), and even a URI
base="$(echo ${ref} | rev | cut -d : -f 2 | rev )"
echo -n "${base}"
# determine, or guess, the image tag from the provided image reference
parse_img_tag() {
local ref="${1%@*}" # just the portion before the digest "@"
local tag="latest" # default tag
if [ "$(_count ':' $(echo ${ref} | tr '/' '\n' | tail -1 ))" -gt 0 ] ; then
# if there are colons in the last segment after '/', then get that tag name
tag="$(echo ${ref} | tr '/' '\n' | tail -1 | cut -d : -f 2 )"
echo -n "${tag}"
# an inline prefixer for containers/image tools
ref_prefix() {
local ref="${1}"
# get the supported prefixes of the current version of skopeo
IFS=", "
local pfxs=( $(skopeo copy --help | grep -A1 "Supported transports:" | grep -v "Supported transports") )
unset IFS
for pfx in ${pfxs[@]} ; do
if echo ${ref} | grep -q "^${pfx}:" ; then
# break when we match
echo ${ref}
return 0
# else default
echo "docker://${ref}"
# an inline namer for the source image
# Initially this is a tagging convention (which if we try estesp/manifest-tool
# can be directly mapped into a manifest-list/image-index).
ref_src_img_tag() {
local ref="${1}"
echo -n "$(parse_img_tag ${ref})${source_image_suffix}"
# call out to registry for the image reference's digest checksum
fetch_img_digest() {
local ref="${1}"
## TODO: check for authfile, creds, and whether it's an insecure registry
local dgst=$(skopeo inspect "$(ref_prefix ${ref})" | jq .Digest | tr -d \")
local ret=$?
if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "ERROR: check the image reference: ${ref}" >&2
return $ret
echo -n "${dgst}"
# pull down the image to an OCI layout
# arguments: image ref
# returns: path:tag to the OCI layout
# any commands should only output to stderr, so that the caller can receive the
# path reference to the OCI layout.
fetch_img() {
local ref="${1}"
local dst="${2}"
mkdir -p "${dst}"
local base="$(parse_img_base ${ref})"
local tag="$(parse_img_tag ${ref})"
local dgst="$(parse_img_digest ${ref})"
local from=""
# skopeo currently only support _either_ tag _or_ digest, so we'll be specific.
if [ -n "${dgst}" ] ; then
from="$(ref_prefix ${base})@${dgst}"
from="$(ref_prefix ${base}):${tag}"
## TODO: check for authfile, creds, and whether it's an insecure registry
## destination name must have the image tag included (umoci expects it)
skopeo \
copy \
"${from}" \
"oci:${dst}:${tag}" >&2
echo -n "${dst}:${tag}"
# upack_img <oci layout path> <unpack path>
unpack_img() {
local image_dir="${1}"
local unpack_dir="${2}"
if [ -d "${unpack_dir}" ] ; then
_rm_rf "${unpack_dir}"
# TODO perhaps if uid == 0 and podman is present then we can try it?
if [ -z "$(command -v umoci)" ] ; then
# can be done as non-root (even in a non-root container)
unpack_img_umoci "${image_dir}" "${unpack_dir}"
# can be done as non-root (even in a non-root container)
unpack_img_bash "${image_dir}" "${unpack_dir}"
# unpack an image layout using only jq and bash
unpack_img_bash() {
local image_dir="${1}"
local unpack_dir="${2}"
local mnfst_dgst="$(cat "${image_dir}"/index.json | jq '.manifests[0].digest' | tr -d \" )"
# Since we're landing the reference as an OCI layout, this mediaType is fairly predictable
# TODO don't always assume +gzip
layer_dgsts="$(cat ${image_dir}/blobs/${mnfst_dgst/:/\/} | \
jq '.layers[] | select(.mediaType == "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip") | .digest' | tr -d \")"
mkdir -vp "${unpack_dir}"
for dgst in ${layer_dgsts} ; do
zcat "${path}" | _tar -t > $tmp_file # TODO cleanup these files
# look for '.wh.' entries. They must be removed from the rootfs
# _before_ extracting the archive, then the .wh. entries themselves
# need to not remain afterwards
grep '\.wh\.' "${tmp_file}" | while read line ; do
# if `some/path/` then `rm -rf `${unpack_dir}/some/path/foo`
# if `some/path/.wh..wh..opq` then `rm -rf `${unpack_dir}/some/path/*`
if [ "$(basename ${line})" == ".wh..wh..opq" ] ; then
_rm_rf "${unpack_dir}/$(dirname ${line})/*"
elif basename "${line}" | grep -qe '^\.wh\.' ; then
name=$(basename "${line}" | sed -e 's/^\.wh\.//')
_rm_rf "${unpack_dir}/$(dirname ${line})/${name}"
_info "[unpacking] layer ${dgst}"
# unpack layer to rootfs (without whiteouts)
zcat "${path}" | _tar --restrict --no-xattr --no-acls --no-selinux --exclude='*.wh.*' -x -C "${unpack_dir}"
# some of the directories get unpacked as 0555, so removing them gives an EPERM
find "${unpack_dir}" -type d -exec chmod 0755 "{}" \;
# unpack using umoci
unpack_img_umoci() {
local image_dir="${1}"
local unpack_dir="${2}"
_debug "unpackging with umoci"
# always assume we're not root I reckon
umoci unpack --rootless --image "${image_dir}" "${unpack_dir}" >&2
# TODO this is not worked out yet
push_img() {
local ref="${1}"
local path="${2}"
## TODO: check for authfile, creds, and whether it's an insecure registry
skopeo copy "oci:${path}:$(ref_src_img_tag ${ref})" "$(ref_prefix ${ref})"
# sets up a basic new OCI layout, for an image with the provided (or default 'latest') tag
layout_new() {
local out_dir="${1}"
local image_tag="${2:-latest}"
mkdir -p "${out_dir}/blobs/sha256"
echo '{"imageLayoutVersion":"1.0.0"}' > "${out_dir}/oci-layout"
local config='
"created": "'$(_date_ns)'",
"architecture": "amd64",
"os": "linux",
"config": {},
"rootfs": {
"type": "layers",
"diff_ids": []
local config_sum=$(echo "${config}" | jq -c | tr -d '\n' | sha256sum | awk '{ ORS=""; print $1 }')
echo "${config}" | jq -c | tr -d '\n' > "${out_dir}/blobs/sha256/${config_sum}"
local mnfst='
"schemaVersion": 2,
"config": {
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:'"${config_sum}"'",
"size": '"$(_size ${out_dir}/blobs/sha256/${config_sum})"'
"layers": []
local mnfst_sum=$(echo "${mnfst}" | jq -c | tr -d '\n' | sha256sum | awk '{ ORS=""; print $1 }')
echo "${mnfst}" | jq -c | tr -d '\n' > "${out_dir}/blobs/sha256/${mnfst_sum}"
echo '
"schemaVersion": 2,
"manifests": [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:'"${mnfst_sum}"'",
"size": '"$(_size ${out_dir}/blobs/sha256/${mnfst_sum})"',
"annotations": {
"": "'"${image_tag}"'"
' | jq -c | tr -d '\n' > "${out_dir}/index.json"
# TODO this is not finished yet
# call this for every artifact, to insert it into an OCI layout
# args:
# * a path to the layout
# * a path to the artifact
# * the path inside the tar
# * tag used in the layout (default is 'latest')
layout_insert() {
local out_dir="${1}"
local artifact_path="${2}"
local tar_path="${3}"
local image_tag="${4:-latest}"
local mnfst_list="${out_dir}/index.json"
# get the digest to the manifest
test -f "${mnfst_list}" || return 1
local mnfst_dgst="$(cat ${mnfst_list} | jq --arg tag "${image_tag}" '
| select(.annotations."" == $tag )
| .digest
' | tr -d \" | tr -d '\n' )"
local mnfst="${out_dir}/blobs/${mnfst_dgst/:/\/}"
test -f "${mnfst}" || return 1
# make tar of new object
local tmpdir="$(_mktemp_d)"
# TODO account for "artifact_path" being a directory?
local sum="$(sha256sum ${artifact_path} | awk '{ print $1 }')"
# making a blob store in the layer
mkdir -p "${tmpdir}/blobs/sha256"
cp "${artifact_path}" "${tmpdir}/blobs/sha256/${sum}"
if [ "$(basename ${tar_path})" == "$(basename ${artifact_path})" ] ; then
mkdir -p "${tmpdir}/$(dirname ${tar_path})"
# TODO this symlink need to be relative path, not to `/blobs/...`
ln -s "/blobs/sha256/${sum}" "${tmpdir}/${tar_path}"
mkdir -p "${tmpdir}/${tar_path}"
# TODO this symlink need to be relative path, not to `/blobs/...`
ln -s "/blobs/sha256/${sum}" "${tmpdir}/${tar_path}/$(basename ${artifact_path})"
local tmptar="$(_mktemp)"
# zero all the things for as consistent blobs as possible
_tar -C "${tmpdir}" --mtime=@0 --owner=0 --group=0 --mode='a+rw' --no-xattrs --no-selinux --no-acls -cf "${tmptar}" .
_rm_rf "${tmpdir}"
# checksum tar and move to blobs/sha256/$checksum
local tmptar_sum="$(sha256sum ${tmptar} | awk '{ ORS=""; print $1 }')"
local tmptar_size="$(_size ${tmptar})"
mv "${tmptar}" "${out_dir}/blobs/sha256/${tmptar_sum}"
# find and read the prior config, mapped from the manifest
local config_sum="$(jq '.config.digest' "${mnfst}" | tr -d \")"
# use `jq` to append to prior config
local tmpconfig="$(_mktemp)"
cat "${out_dir}/blobs/${config_sum/:/\/}" | jq -c \
--arg date "$(_date_ns)" \
--arg tmptar_sum "sha256:${tmptar_sum}" \
--arg comment "#(nop) BuildSourceImage adding artifact: ${sum}" \
.created = $date
| .rootfs.diff_ids = .rootfs.diff_ids + [
| .history = .history + [
"created": $date,
"created_by": $comment
' > "${tmpconfig}"
_rm_rf "${out_dir}/blobs/${config_sum/:/\/}"
# rename the config blob to its new checksum
local tmpconfig_sum="$(sha256sum ${tmpconfig} | awk '{ ORS=""; print $1 }')"
local tmpconfig_size="$(_size ${tmpconfig})"
mv "${tmpconfig}" "${out_dir}/blobs/sha256/${tmpconfig_sum}"
# append layers list in the manifest, and its new config mapping
local tmpmnfst="$(_mktemp)"
cat "${mnfst}" | jq -c \
--arg tmpconfig_sum "sha256:${tmpconfig_sum}" \
--arg tmpconfig_size "${tmpconfig_size}" \
--arg tmptar_sum "sha256:${tmptar_sum}" \
--arg tmptar_size "${tmptar_size}" \
--arg artifact "$(basename ${artifact_path})" \
--arg sum "sha256:${sum}" \
.config.digest = sha256:$tmpconfig_sum
| .config.size = $tmpconfig_size
| .layers = .layers + [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar",
"size": $tmptar_size,
"digest": $tmptar_sum,
"annotations": {
"com.redhat.layer.type": "source",
"com.redhat.layer.content": $artifact,
"com.redhat.layer.content.checksum": $sum
' > "${tmpmnfst}"
_rm_rf "${mnfst}"
# rename the manifest blob to its new checksum
local tmpmnfst_sum="$(sha256sum ${tmpmnfst} | awk '{ ORS=""; print $1 }')"
local tmpmnfst_size="$(_size ${tmpmnfst})"
mv "${tmpmnfst}" "${out_dir}/blobs/sha256/${tmpmnfst_sum}"
# map the mnfst_list to the new mnfst checksum
local tmpmnfst_list="$(_mktemp)"
cat "${mnfst_list}" | jq -c \
--arg tag "${image_tag}" \
--arg tmpmnfst_sum "${tmpmnfst_sum}" \
--arg tmpmnfst_size "${tmpmnfst_size}" \
.manifests = [(.manifests[] | select(.annotations."" != "$tag") )]
+ [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:$tmpmnfst_sum",
"size": $tmpmnfst_size,
"annotations": {
"com.redhat.image.type": "source"
"": "$tag"
' > "${tmpmnfst_list}"
mv "${tmpmnfst_list}" "${mnfst_list}"
# Source Collection Drivers
# presently just bash functions. *notice* prefix the function name as `sourcedriver_`
# May become a ${ABV_NAME}/drivers.d/
# Arguments:
# * image ref
# * path to inspect
# * output path for source (specifc to this driver)
# * output path for source json metadata (this addresses the files to be added and it's metadata)
# TODO TBD this does not account for how to pack/layer the sources collected here.
# This was my thought for outputing a `source.json` file, which is not a
# standard, but could be an array of metadata about _each_ object that should
# be packed.
# driver to determine and fetch source rpms, based on the rootfs
sourcedriver_rpm_fetch() {
local self="${0#sourcedriver_*}"
local ref="${1}"
local rootfs="${2}"
local out_dir="${3}"
local manifest_dir="${4}"
# Get the RELEASEVER from the image
local release=$(rpm -q --queryformat "%{VERSION}\n" --root ${rootfs} -f /etc/os-release)
# From the rootfs of the works image, build out the src rpms to operate over
for srcrpm in $(rpm -qa --root ${rootfs} --queryformat '%{SOURCERPM}\n' | grep -v '^gpg-pubkey' | sort -u) ; do
local rpm=${srcrpm%*.src.rpm}
if [ ! -f "${out_dir}/${srcrpm}" ] ; then
_info "--> fetching ${srcrpm}"
dnf download \
--quiet \
--installroot "${rootfs}" \
--release "${release}" \
--destdir "${out_dir}" \
--source \
"${rpm}" || continue
_info "--> using cached ${srcrpm}"
# XXX one day, check and confirm with %{sourcepkgid}
#local rpm_sourcepkgid=$(rpm -q --root ${rootfs} --queryformat '%{sourcepkgid}' "${rpm}")
local srcrpm_buildtime=$( rpm -qp --qf '%{buildtime}' ${out_dir}/${srcrpm} )
local srcrpm_pkgid=$( rpm -qp --qf '%{pkgid}' ${out_dir}/${srcrpm} )
touch --date=@${srcrpm_buildtime} ${out_dir}/${srcrpm}
local mimetype="$(file --brief --mime-type ${out_dir}/${srcrpm})"
local source_info="${manifest_dir}/${srcrpm}.json"
jq \
-n \
--arg name "${srcrpm}" \
--arg buildtime "${srcrpm_buildtime}" \
--arg mimetype "${mimetype}" \
"": $name,
"source.artifact.mimetype": $mimetype,
"source.artifact.buildtime": $buildtime
' \
> "${source_info}"
if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then
return 1
# driver to only package rpms from a provided rpm directory
sourcedriver_rpm_dir() {
local self="${0#sourcedriver_*}"
local ref="${1}"
local rootfs="${2}"
local out_dir="${3}"
local manifest_dir="${4}"
if [ -n "${RPM_DIR}" ]; then
_debug "$self: writing to $out_dir and $manifest_dir"
# If the caller specified a context directory,
# slightly special driver, as it has a flag/env passed in, that it uses
sourcedriver_context_dir() {
local self="${0#sourcedriver_*}"
local ref="${1}"
local rootfs="${2}"
local out_dir="${3}"
local manifest_dir="${4}"
if [ -n "${CONTEXT_DIR}" ]; then
_debug "$self: writing to $out_dir and $manifest_dir"
local tarname="context.tar"
_tar -C "${CONTEXT_DIR}" \
--mtime=@0 --owner=0 --group=0 --mode='a+rw' --no-xattrs --no-selinux --no-acls \
-cf "${out_dir}/${tarname}" .
local mimetype="$(file --brief --mime-type ${out_dir}/${tarname})"
local source_info="${manifest_dir}/${tarname}.json"
jq \
-n \
--arg name "${tarname}" \
--arg mimetype "${mimetype}" \
"": $name,
"source.artifact.mimetype": $mimetype
' \
> "${source_info}"
if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then
return 1
# If the caller specified a extra directory
# slightly special driver, as it has a flag/env passed in, that it uses
sourcedriver_extra_src_dir() {
local self="${0#sourcedriver_*}"
local ref="${1}"
local rootfs="${2}"
local out_dir="${3}"
local manifest_dir="${4}"
if [ -n "${EXTRA_SRC_DIR}" ]; then
_debug "$self: writing to $out_dir and $manifest_dir"
local tarname="extra-src.tar"
_tar -C "${EXTRA_SRC_DIR}" \
--mtime=@0 --owner=0 --group=0 --mode='a+rw' --no-xattrs --no-selinux --no-acls \
-cf "${out_dir}/${tarname}" .
local mimetype="$(file --brief --mime-type ${out_dir}/${tarname})"
local source_info="${manifest_dir}/${tarname}.json"
jq \
-n \
--arg name "${tarname}" \
--arg mimetype "${mimetype}" \
"": $name,
"source.artifact.mimetype": $mimetype
' \
> "${source_info}"
if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then
return 1
main() {
_init ${@}
local base_dir="$(pwd)/${ABV_NAME}"
# using the bash builtin to parse
while getopts ":hplDc:r:e:o:b:d:" opts; do
case "${opts}" in
local context_dir=${OPTARG}
local extra_src_dir=${OPTARG}
local rpm_dir=${OPTARG}
local output_dir=${OPTARG}
export DEBUG=1
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [ -n "${list_drivers}" ] ; then
set | grep '^sourcedriver_.* () ' | tr -d ' ()'
exit 0
export CONTEXT_DIR="${CONTEXT_DIR:-$context_dir}"
export EXTRA_SRC_DIR="${EXTRA_SRC_DIR:-$extra_src_dir}"
export RPM_DIR="${RPM_DIR:-$rpm_dir}"
local output_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR:-$output_dir}"
local src_dir="${base_dir}/src"
local work_dir="${base_dir}/work"
export TMPDIR="${work_dir}/tmp"
if [ -d "${TMPDIR}" ] ; then
_rm_rf "${TMPDIR}"
mkdir -p "${TMPDIR}"
_debug "IMAGE_REF: ${IMAGE_REF}"
IMAGE_REF_BASE="$(parse_img_base ${IMAGE_REF})"
IMAGE_TAG="$(parse_img_tag ${IMAGE_REF})"
_debug "IMAGE_TAG: ${IMAGE_TAG}"
IMAGE_DIGEST="$(parse_img_digest ${IMAGE_REF})"
# determine missing digest before fetch, so that we fetch the precise image
# including its digest.
if [ -z "${IMAGE_DIGEST}" ] ; then
IMAGE_DIGEST="$(fetch_img_digest ${IMAGE_REF_BASE}:${IMAGE_TAG})"
# if inspect and fetch image, then to an OCI layout dir
if [ ! -d "${work_dir}/layouts/${IMAGE_DIGEST/:/\/}" ] ; then
# we'll store the image to a path based on its digest, that it can be reused
img_layout="$(fetch_img ${IMAGE_REF_BASE}:${IMAGE_TAG}@${IMAGE_DIGEST} ${work_dir}/layouts/${IMAGE_DIGEST/:/\/} )"
_debug "image layout: ${img_layout}"
# setup rootfs, from that OCI layout
local unpack_dir="${work_dir}/unpacked/${IMAGE_DIGEST/:/\/}"
if [ ! -d "${unpack_dir}" ] ; then
unpack_img ${img_layout} ${unpack_dir}
_debug "unpacked dir: ${unpack_dir}"
# clear prior driver's info about source to insert into Source Image
_rm_rf "${work_dir}/driver/${IMAGE_DIGEST/:/\/}"
if [ -n "${drivers}" ] ; then
# clean up the args passed by the caller ...
drivers="$(echo ${drivers} | tr ',' ' '| tr '\n' ' ')"
drivers="$(set | grep '^sourcedriver_.* () ' | tr -d ' ()' | tr '\n' ' ')"
# iterate on the drivers
#for driver in sourcedriver_rpm_fetch ; do
for driver in ${drivers} ; do
_info "calling $driver"
mkdir -vp "${src_dir}/${IMAGE_DIGEST/:/\/}/${driver#sourcedriver_*}"
mkdir -vp "${work_dir}/driver/${IMAGE_DIGEST/:/\/}/${driver#sourcedriver_*}"
$driver \
"${unpack_dir}/rootfs" \
"${src_dir}/${IMAGE_DIGEST/:/\/}/${driver#sourcedriver_*}" \
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
_error "$driver failed"
# TODO walk the driver output to determine layers to be added
# find "${work_dir}/driver/${IMAGE_DIGEST/:/\/}/${driver#sourcedriver_*}" -type f -name '*.json'
# TODO maybe look to a directory like /usr/libexec/BuildSourceImage/drivers/ for drop-ins to run
# TODO commit the image
# This is going to be a hand craft of composing these layers using just bash and jq
echo "bailing here for now"
return 0
## if an output directory is provided then save a copy to it
if [ -n "${output_dir}" ] ; then
mkdir -p "${output_dir}"
push_img $src_img_dir "oci:$output_dir:$(ref_src_img_tag ${IMAGE_TAG})"
if [ -n "${push}" ] ; then
push_img $src_dir $IMAGE_REF
# For each SRC_RPMS used to build the executable image, download the SRC RPM
# and generate a layer in the SRC RPM.
pushd ${SRC_RPM_DIR} > /dev/null
export SRC_CTR=$(buildah from scratch)
for i in ${SRC_RPMS}; do
if [ ! -f $i ]; then
RPM=$(echo $i | sed 's/.src.rpm$//g')
dnf download --release $RELEASE --source $RPM || continue # TODO: perhaps log failures somewhere
echo "Adding ${srpm}"
touch --date=@`rpm -q --qf '%{buildtime}' ${srpm}` ${srpm}
buildah add ${SRC_CTR} ${srpm} /RPMS/
buildah config --created-by "/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:$(sha256sum ${srpm} | cut -f1 -d' ') in /RPMS" ${SRC_CTR}
export IMG=$(buildah commit --omit-timestamp --disable-compression --rm ${SRC_CTR})
export SRC_CTR=$(buildah from ${IMG})
popd > /dev/null
# only exec main if this is being called (this way we can source and test the functions)
_is_sourced || main ${@}
# vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: