2022-10-12 21:13:07 -08:00
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ItemSummary } from "~~/lib/api/types/data-contracts";
import { useLabelStore } from "~~/stores/labels";
import { useLocationStore } from "~~/stores/locations";
2022-10-15 12:15:55 -08:00
middleware: ["auth"],
2022-10-12 21:13:07 -08:00
2022-10-15 12:15:55 -08:00
2022-10-12 21:13:07 -08:00
title: "Homebox | Home",
const api = useUserApi();
const query = ref("");
const loading = useMinLoader(2000);
const results = ref<ItemSummary[]>([]);
async function search() {
loading.value = true;
const locations = selectedLocations.value.map(l => l.id);
const labels = selectedLabels.value.map(l => l.id);
2022-10-31 23:30:42 -08:00
const { data, error } = await api.items.getAll({
q: query.value,
includeArchived: includeArchived.value,
2022-10-12 21:13:07 -08:00
if (error) {
loading.value = false;
results.value = data.items;
loading.value = false;
onMounted(() => {
const locationsStore = useLocationStore();
const locations = computed(() => locationsStore.locations);
const labelStore = useLabelStore();
const labels = computed(() => labelStore.labels);
const advanced = ref(false);
const selectedLocations = ref([]);
const selectedLabels = ref([]);
2022-10-31 23:30:42 -08:00
const includeArchived = ref(false);
2022-10-12 21:13:07 -08:00
watchEffect(() => {
if (!advanced.value) {
selectedLocations.value = [];
selectedLabels.value = [];
watchDebounced(query, search, { debounce: 250, maxWait: 1000 });
watchDebounced(selectedLocations, search, { debounce: 250, maxWait: 1000 });
watchDebounced(selectedLabels, search, { debounce: 250, maxWait: 1000 });
2022-10-31 23:30:42 -08:00
watch(includeArchived, search);
2022-10-12 21:13:07 -08:00
<BaseContainer class="mb-16">
<FormTextField v-model="query" placeholder="Search" />
<div class="flex mt-1">
<label class="ml-auto label cursor-pointer">
<input v-model="advanced" type="checkbox" class="toggle toggle-primary" />
<span class="label-text text-neutral-content ml-2"> Filters </span>
<BaseCard v-if="advanced" class="my-1 overflow-visible">
<template #title> Filters </template>
<template #subtitle>
Location and label filters use the 'OR' operation. If more than one is selected only one will be required for a
<div class="px-4 pb-4">
<FormMultiselect v-model="selectedLabels" label="Labels" :items="labels ?? []" />
2022-10-15 03:30:23 +11:00
<FormMultiselect v-model="selectedLocations" label="Locations" :items="locations ?? []" />
2022-10-31 23:30:42 -08:00
<div class="flex pb-2 pt-5">
<label class="label cursor-pointer mr-auto">
<input v-model="includeArchived" type="checkbox" class="toggle toggle-primary" />
<span class="label-text ml-4"> Include Archived Items </span>
<Spacer />
2022-10-12 21:13:07 -08:00
<section class="mt-10">
<BaseSectionHeader class="mb-5"> Items </BaseSectionHeader>
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 gap-4">
<TransitionGroup name="list">
<ItemCard v-for="item in results" :key="item.id" :item="item" />
<div class="hidden first:inline text-xl">No Items Found</div>
<style lang="css">
.list-leave-active {
transition: all 0.25s ease;
.list-leave-to {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateY(30px);
.list-leave-active {
position: absolute;