2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
package v1
import (
2022-10-29 20:05:38 -08:00
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
2023-04-09 10:39:43 -08:00
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
2022-09-27 15:52:13 -08:00
type (
ItemAttachmentToken struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
2023-03-06 21:18:58 -09:00
// HandleItemAttachmentCreate godocs
// @Summary Create Item Attachment
// @Tags Items Attachments
// @Produce json
// @Param id path string true "Item ID"
// @Param file formData file true "File attachment"
// @Param type formData string true "Type of file"
// @Param name formData string true "name of the file including extension"
// @Success 200 {object} repo.ItemOut
2023-07-17 03:37:56 +02:00
// @Failure 422 {object} validate.ErrorResponse
2023-03-06 21:18:58 -09:00
// @Router /v1/items/{id}/attachments [POST]
// @Security Bearer
2023-03-20 20:32:10 -08:00
func (ctrl *V1Controller) HandleItemAttachmentCreate() errchain.HandlerFunc {
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
err := r.ParseMultipartForm(ctrl.maxUploadSize << 20)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("failed to parse multipart form")
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return validate.NewRequestError(errors.New("failed to parse multipart form"), http.StatusBadRequest)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
errs := validate.NewFieldErrors()
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
file, _, err := r.FormFile("file")
if err != nil {
switch {
case errors.Is(err, http.ErrMissingFile):
log.Debug().Msg("file for attachment is missing")
errs = errs.Append("file", "file is required")
log.Err(err).Msg("failed to get file from form")
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return validate.NewRequestError(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
attachmentName := r.FormValue("name")
if attachmentName == "" {
log.Debug().Msg("failed to get name from form")
errs = errs.Append("name", "name is required")
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
if !errs.Nil() {
2023-03-20 20:32:10 -08:00
return server.JSON(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, errs)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
attachmentType := r.FormValue("type")
if attachmentType == "" {
attachmentType = attachment.TypeAttachment.String()
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
id, err := ctrl.routeID(r)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
if err != nil {
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return err
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
ctx := services.NewContext(r.Context())
item, err := ctrl.svc.Items.AttachmentAdd(
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("failed to add attachment")
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return validate.NewRequestError(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
2023-03-20 20:32:10 -08:00
return server.JSON(w, http.StatusCreated, item)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
// HandleItemAttachmentGet godocs
2023-03-06 21:18:58 -09:00
// @Summary Get Item Attachment
// @Tags Items Attachments
// @Produce application/octet-stream
// @Param id path string true "Item ID"
// @Param attachment_id path string true "Attachment ID"
// @Success 200 {object} ItemAttachmentToken
// @Router /v1/items/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} [GET]
// @Security Bearer
2023-03-20 20:32:10 -08:00
func (ctrl *V1Controller) HandleItemAttachmentGet() errchain.HandlerFunc {
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
return ctrl.handleItemAttachmentsHandler
// HandleItemAttachmentDelete godocs
2023-03-06 21:18:58 -09:00
// @Summary Delete Item Attachment
// @Tags Items Attachments
// @Param id path string true "Item ID"
// @Param attachment_id path string true "Attachment ID"
// @Success 204
// @Router /v1/items/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} [DELETE]
// @Security Bearer
2023-03-20 20:32:10 -08:00
func (ctrl *V1Controller) HandleItemAttachmentDelete() errchain.HandlerFunc {
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
return ctrl.handleItemAttachmentsHandler
// HandleItemAttachmentUpdate godocs
2023-03-06 21:18:58 -09:00
// @Summary Update Item Attachment
// @Tags Items Attachments
// @Param id path string true "Item ID"
// @Param attachment_id path string true "Attachment ID"
// @Param payload body repo.ItemAttachmentUpdate true "Attachment Update"
// @Success 200 {object} repo.ItemOut
// @Router /v1/items/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} [PUT]
// @Security Bearer
2023-03-20 20:32:10 -08:00
func (ctrl *V1Controller) HandleItemAttachmentUpdate() errchain.HandlerFunc {
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
return ctrl.handleItemAttachmentsHandler
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
func (ctrl *V1Controller) handleItemAttachmentsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
ID, err := ctrl.routeID(r)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
if err != nil {
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return err
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
attachmentID, err := ctrl.routeUUID(r, "attachment_id")
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
if err != nil {
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return err
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
ctx := services.NewContext(r.Context())
switch r.Method {
case http.MethodGet:
2022-12-03 10:55:00 -09:00
doc, err := ctrl.svc.Items.AttachmentPath(r.Context(), attachmentID)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
if err != nil {
2022-12-03 10:55:00 -09:00
log.Err(err).Msg("failed to get attachment path")
return validate.NewRequestError(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
2022-12-03 10:55:00 -09:00
http.ServeFile(w, r, doc.Path)
return nil
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
// Delete Attachment Handler
case http.MethodDelete:
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
err = ctrl.svc.Items.AttachmentDelete(r.Context(), ctx.GID, ID, attachmentID)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("failed to delete attachment")
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return validate.NewRequestError(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
2023-03-20 20:32:10 -08:00
return server.JSON(w, http.StatusNoContent, nil)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
// Update Attachment Handler
case http.MethodPut:
2022-09-27 15:52:13 -08:00
var attachment repo.ItemAttachmentUpdate
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
err = server.Decode(r, &attachment)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("failed to decode attachment")
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return validate.NewRequestError(err, http.StatusBadRequest)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
attachment.ID = attachmentID
2022-10-16 18:50:44 -08:00
val, err := ctrl.svc.Items.AttachmentUpdate(ctx, ID, &attachment)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("failed to delete attachment")
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return validate.NewRequestError(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
2023-03-20 20:32:10 -08:00
return server.JSON(w, http.StatusOK, val)
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00
2022-10-29 18:15:35 -08:00
return nil
2022-09-24 11:33:38 -08:00