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Begin with a list of content set paths:


Create a prefix tree out of the paths, where each node in the tree contains the names of its children, rather than the children containing its own name:

+-------+                              +------+
|       |                              |      |
|-------+                              |------|
|content+--+-------+                   |source+-+---+
+-------+  |       |                   +------+ |   |
           |-------|                   |        |---|
           |dist   +--------+-------+  |        +---+
        +--+beta   |        |       |  |
        |  +-------+        |-------|  |
        |                   |jboss  +--+
+-------+                   |rhel   +--+
|       |                   +-------+  |
|-------|                              |
|rhel   +--+-----------+               +-----------+
+-------+  |           |               |           |
           |-----------|               |-----------|
+----------+$releasever|               |$releasever+--+
|          +-----------+               +-----------+  |
|                                                     |
+---------+                                 +---------+
|         |                                 |         |
|---------|                                 |---------|
|$basearch+--+                           +--+$basearch|    +---+
+---------+  |                           |  +---------+    |   |
             |                           |                 |---|
             +--------+                  +-------+         +---+
             |        |                  |       |         |
             |--------|                  |-------|         |
+---+--------+os      |                  |os     +---------+
|   |     +--+debug   |                  |debug  +-----------+---+
|---|     |  |source  +--+               |source +--+        |   |
+---+     |  +--------+  |               +-------+  |        |---|
          |              |                          |        +---+
      +---+              +------+                   |
      |   |              |      |                   +-----+
      |---|              |------|                   |     |
      +---+           +--+SRPMS |                   |-----|
                      |  +------+                   |SRPMS+--+---+
                      |                             +-----+  |   |
                  +---+                                      |---|
                  |   |                                      +---+

This eliminates the duplication in the prefixes of our paths. We now only have one instance of the word "content", for example. We now find any duplicate subtrees, remove the duplicate, and point all references from the duplicate to the original:

+-------+                              +------+
|       |                              |      |
|-------+                              |------|
|content+--+-------+                   |source+-+
+-------+  |       |                   +------+ | 
           |-------|                   |        |
           |dist   +--------+-------+  |        |
        +--+beta   |        |       |  |        |
        |  +-------+        |-------|  |        |
        |                   |jboss  +--+        |
+-------+                +--+rhel   |           |
|       |                |  +-------+           |
|-------|                |                      |
|rhel   +--+-----------+-+                      |
+-------+  |           |                        |
           |-----------|                        |
+----------+$releasever|                        |
|          +-----------+                        |
|                                               |
+---------+                                     |
|         |                                     |
|---------|                                     |
|$basearch+--+                                  |
+---------+  |                                  |
             |                                  |
             +--------+                         |
             |        |                         |
             |--------|                         |
     +-------+os      |                         |
     |    +--+debug   |                         |
     |    |  |source  +--+                      |
     |    |  +--------+  |                      |
     |    |              |                      |
     |    |              +------+               |
     |    +-------+      |      |               |
     |            |      |------|               |
     |            |   +--+SRPMS |               |
     |            |   |  +------+               |
     |            |   |                         |
                  |   |           

With this structure, we can begin creating the packed data. The first step is to build a huffman coding for the string components of the path. In the example, all strings are used only once, except for rhel and source. We create a list of all the strings, ordered from least to most occurance. This list is the one written out in the path dictionary section of the binary packing. The ordering used in the list is what we then feed into a huffman tree for paths. thus, even though both os and debug occur just once in the above DAG, depending on the ordering in the list, one will be assigned a higher weight than the other (which helps the other side decode the binary format). The string huffman tree also includes a special sentinal value to indicate end of node in the binary format. This value should not be written to the binary packing, should be given the highest weight, and should be some string that is not used in the path strings themselves (to avoid collision).

Next, we order the nodes from the above DAG by order of reference from other nodes, from least to most references. This ensures the root of the DAG is always first, as it has no references. Similar to the strings, we create a huffman tree for the nodes. The root node should not be included in the huffman tree, as it is never referenced by any other nodes, so we don't need to use up any potential address space on it.

We can then iterate over the node list, writing each one out to the binary packing. Within each node, for each string and node pair that it references, we look up each in their respective huffman trees, and write the huffman coding to the binary packing.

At the end of a node, we use the special sentinal value from the string huffman tree to indicate end of node.