825 B
== Overview ==
POC to compile a data set into a modified radix tree, and applying huffman encoding.
== Usage ==
Take in an v1 x509 certificate, and extract the content sets, output them to newline delimited output
$> ruby ./thing.rb d this-cert.pem
This would produce a file named 'this-cert.txt'
To see this txt list, in the tree format, do:
$> ruby ./thing.rb p this-cert.txt | less
Process this output to generate the compiled dictionary output
$> ruby ./thing.rb c this-cert.txt
This would produce a file named 'this-cert.bin' Then, the unpack the binary with:
$> ./unpack this-cert.bin
$> ruby ./unpack.rb this-cert.bin
The 'thing.rb' supports a "-v" verbose flag.
== Code compiles ==
To compile the 'unpack' command, just run make
( this requires make, gcc, and zlib-devel)