Implement support for registry integration tests via py.test

This change implements support for registry integration tests using the new py.test-based live server test fixture. We can now parametrize the protocols we use (in prep for V2_2), and it makes the code *much* cleaner and less hacky.

Note that moving the vast majority of the tests over from the existing impl will come as a followup PR
This commit is contained in:
Joseph Schorr 2018-04-24 14:54:07 +03:00
parent 85496b8195
commit 23c19bcbc1
7 changed files with 705 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from data.model.user import LoginWrappedDBUser
from endpoints.api import api_bp
from endpoints.appr import appr_bp
from endpoints.web import web
from endpoints.v1 import v1_bp
from endpoints.v2 import v2_bp
from endpoints.verbs import verbs as verbs_bp
from endpoints.webhooks import webhooks
@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ def app(appconfig, initialized_db):
app.register_blueprint(appr_bp, url_prefix='/cnr')
app.register_blueprint(web, url_prefix='/')
app.register_blueprint(verbs_bp, url_prefix='/c1')
app.register_blueprint(v1_bp, url_prefix='/v1')
app.register_blueprint(v2_bp, url_prefix='/v2')
app.register_blueprint(webhooks, url_prefix='/webhooks')

test/registry/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
import copy
import logging.config
import os
import shutil
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import pytest
from Crypto import Random
from flask import jsonify, g
from flask_principal import Identity
from app import storage
from data.database import close_db_filter, configure, DerivedStorageForImage, QueueItem, Image
from data import model
from endpoints.csrf import generate_csrf_token
from util.log import logfile_path
from test.registry.liveserverfixture import LiveServerExecutor
def registry_server_executor(app):
def generate_csrf():
return generate_csrf_token()
def set_supports_direct_download(enabled):
storage.put_content(['local_us'], 'supports_direct_download', enabled)
return 'OK'
def delete_image(image_id):
image = Image.get(docker_image_id=image_id)
image.docker_image_id = 'DELETED'
return 'OK'
def get_storage_replication_entry(image_id):
image = Image.get(docker_image_id=image_id) ** ('%' + + '%')).get()
return 'OK'
def set_feature(feature_name, value):
import features
old_value = features._FEATURES[feature_name].value
features._FEATURES[feature_name].value = value
return jsonify({'old_value': old_value})
def clear_derived_cache():
return 'OK'
def clear_uncompressed_size(image_id):
image = model.image.get_image_by_id('devtable', 'newrepo', image_id) = None
return 'OK'
def add_token():
another_token = model.token.create_delegate_token('devtable', 'newrepo', 'my-new-token',
another_token.code = 'somecooltokencode'
return 'OK'
def break_database():
# Close any existing connection.
# Reload the database config with an invalid connection.
config = copy.copy(app.config)
config['DB_URI'] = 'sqlite:///not/a/valid/database'
return 'OK'
def reload_app(server_hostname):
# Close any existing connection.
# Reload the database config.
app.config['SERVER_HOSTNAME'] = server_hostname[len('http://'):]
# Reload random after the process split, as it cannot be used uninitialized across forks.
# Required for anonymous calls to not exception.
g.identity = Identity(None, 'none')
if os.environ.get('DEBUGLOG') == 'true':
logging.config.fileConfig(logfile_path(debug=True), disable_existing_loggers=False)
return 'OK'
executor = LiveServerExecutor()
executor.register('generate_csrf', generate_csrf)
executor.register('set_supports_direct_download', set_supports_direct_download)
executor.register('delete_image', delete_image)
executor.register('get_storage_replication_entry', get_storage_replication_entry)
executor.register('set_feature', set_feature)
executor.register('clear_derived_cache', clear_derived_cache)
executor.register('clear_uncompressed_size', clear_uncompressed_size)
executor.register('add_token', add_token)
executor.register('break_database', break_database)
executor.register('reload_app', reload_app)
return executor
def liveserver_app(app, registry_server_executor, init_db_path):
if os.environ.get('DEBUG', 'false').lower() == 'true':
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
# Copy the clean database to a new path. We cannot share the DB created by the
# normal app fixture, as it is already open in the local process.
local_db_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
app.config['DB_URI'] = 'sqlite:///{0}'.format(
return app
def app_reloader(liveserver, registry_server_executor):
class FeatureFlagValue(object):
""" Helper object which temporarily sets the value of a feature flag.
with FeatureFlagValue('ANONYMOUS_ACCESS', False, registry_server_executor.on(liveserver)):
... Features.ANONYMOUS_ACCESS is False in this context ...
def __init__(self, feature_flag, test_value, executor):
self.feature_flag = feature_flag
self.test_value = test_value
self.executor = executor
self.old_value = None
def __enter__(self):
result = self.executor.set_feature(self.feature_flag, self.test_value)
self.old_value = result.json['old_value']
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
self.executor.set_feature(self.feature_flag, self.old_value)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import pytest
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey
from test.registry.protocols import Image, layer_bytes_for_contents
from test.registry.protocol_v1 import V1Protocol
from test.registry.protocol_v2 import V2Protocol
def basic_images():
""" Returns basic images for push and pull testing. """
# Note: order is from base layer down to leaf.
return [
Image(id='parentid', bytes=layer_bytes_for_contents('parent contents'),
parent_id=None, size=None),
Image(id='someid', bytes=layer_bytes_for_contents('some contents'),
parent_id='parentid', size=None),
def jwk():
return RSAKey(key=RSA.generate(2048))
@pytest.fixture(params=[V1Protocol, V2Protocol])
def pusher(request, jwk):
return request.param(jwk)
@pytest.fixture(params=[V1Protocol, V2Protocol])
def puller(request, jwk):
return request.param(jwk)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
import json
from cStringIO import StringIO
from enum import Enum, unique
from digest.checksums import compute_simple
from test.registry.protocols import (RegistryProtocol, Failures, ProtocolOptions, PushResult,
class V1ProtocolSteps(Enum):
""" Defines the various steps of the protocol, for matching failures. """
PUT_IMAGES = 'put-images'
GET_IMAGES = 'get-images'
class V1Protocol(RegistryProtocol):
V1ProtocolSteps.PUT_IMAGES: {
Failures.UNAUTHORIZED: 403,
V1ProtocolSteps.GET_IMAGES: {
Failures.UNAUTHORIZED: 403,
def __init__(self, jwk):
def _auth_for_credentials(self, credentials):
if credentials is None:
return None
return credentials
def ping(self, session):
assert session.get('/v1/_ping').status_code == 200
def pull(self, session, namespace, repo_name, tag_names, images, credentials=None,
expected_failure=None, options=None):
options = options or ProtocolOptions()
auth = self._auth_for_credentials(credentials)
tag_names = [tag_names] if isinstance(tag_names, str) else tag_names
prefix = '/v1/repositories/%s/%s/' % (namespace, repo_name)
# Ping!
# GET /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/images
result = self.conduct(session, 'GET', prefix + 'images', auth=auth,
expected_status=(200, expected_failure, V1ProtocolSteps.GET_IMAGES))
if expected_failure is not None:
# GET /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/tags
tags_result = self.conduct(session, 'GET', prefix + 'tags', auth=auth).json()
assert len(tags_result.values()) == len(tag_names)
tag_image_id = tags_result['latest']
if not options.munge_shas:
# Ensure we have a matching image ID.
known_ids = { for image in images}
assert tag_image_id in known_ids
# Retrieve the ancestry of the tagged image.
image_prefix = '/v1/images/%s/' % tag_image_id
ancestors = self.conduct(session, 'GET', image_prefix + 'ancestry', auth=auth).json()
assert len(ancestors) == len(images)
for index, image_id in enumerate(reversed(ancestors)):
# /v1/images/{imageID}/{ancestry, json, layer}
image_prefix = '/v1/images/%s/' % image_id
self.conduct(session, 'GET', image_prefix + 'ancestry', auth=auth)
result = self.conduct(session, 'GET', image_prefix + 'json', auth=auth)
assert result.json()['id'] == image_id
# Ensure we can HEAD the image layer.
self.conduct(session, 'HEAD', image_prefix + 'layer', auth=auth)
# And retrieve the layer data.
result = self.conduct(session, 'GET', image_prefix + 'layer', auth=auth)
assert result.content == images[index].bytes
return PullResult(manifests=None)
def push(self, session, namespace, repo_name, tag_names, images, credentials=None,
expected_failure=None, options=None):
auth = self._auth_for_credentials(credentials)
tag_names = [tag_names] if isinstance(tag_names, str) else tag_names
# Ping!
# PUT /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/
result = self.conduct(session, 'PUT', '/v1/repositories/%s/%s/' % (namespace, repo_name),
expected_status=(201, expected_failure, V1ProtocolSteps.PUT_IMAGES),
if expected_failure is not None:
headers = {}
headers['Authorization'] = 'token ' + result.headers['www-authenticate']
for image in images:
# PUT /v1/images/{imageID}/json
image_json_data = {'id':}
if image.size is not None:
image_json_data['Size'] = image.size
if image.parent_id is not None:
image_json_data['parent'] = image.parent_id
self.conduct(session, 'PUT', '/v1/images/%s/json' %,
json_data=image_json_data, headers=headers)
# PUT /v1/images/{imageID}/layer
self.conduct(session, 'PUT', '/v1/images/%s/layer' %,
data=StringIO(image.bytes), headers=headers)
# PUT /v1/images/{imageID}/checksum
checksum = compute_simple(StringIO(image.bytes), json.dumps(image_json_data))
checksum_headers = {'X-Docker-Checksum-Payload': checksum}
self.conduct(session, 'PUT', '/v1/images/%s/checksum' %,
# PUT /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/tags/latest
for tag_name in tag_names:
self.conduct(session, 'PUT',
'/v1/repositories/%s/%s/tags/%s' % (namespace, repo_name, tag_name),
data='"%s"' % images[-1].id,
# PUT /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/images
self.conduct(session, 'PUT', '/v1/repositories/%s/%s/images' % (namespace, repo_name),
expected_status=204, headers=headers)
return PushResult(checksums=None, manifests=None)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
import hashlib
import json
from enum import Enum, unique
from image.docker.schema1 import DockerSchema1ManifestBuilder, DockerSchema1Manifest
from test.registry.protocols import (RegistryProtocol, Failures, ProtocolOptions, PushResult,
class V2ProtocolSteps(Enum):
""" Defines the various steps of the protocol, for matching failures. """
AUTH = 'auth'
BLOB_HEAD_CHECK = 'blob-head-check'
GET_MANIFEST = 'get-manifest'
class V2Protocol(RegistryProtocol):
V2ProtocolSteps.AUTH: {
Failures.UNAUTHORIZED: 403,
Failures.APP_REPOSITORY: 405,
V2ProtocolSteps.GET_MANIFEST: {
Failures.UNKNOWN_TAG: 404,
def __init__(self, jwk):
self.jwk = jwk
def ping(self, session):
result = session.get('/v2/')
assert result.status_code == 401
assert result.headers['Docker-Distribution-API-Version'] == 'registry/2.0'
def auth(self, session, credentials, namespace, repository, scopes=None,
Performs the V2 Auth flow, returning the token (if any) and the response.
scopes = scopes or []
auth = None
if credentials is not None:
username, _ = credentials
auth = credentials
params = {
'account': username,
'service': 'localhost:5000',
if scopes:
params['scope'] = 'repository:%s/%s:%s' % (namespace, repository, ','.join(scopes))
response = self.conduct(session, 'GET', '/v2/auth', params=params, auth=auth,
expected_status=(200, expected_failure, V2ProtocolSteps.AUTH))
if expected_failure is None:
assert response.json().get('token') is not None
return response.json().get('token'), response
return None, response
def push(self, session, namespace, repo_name, tag_names, images, credentials=None,
expected_failure=None, options=None):
options = options or ProtocolOptions()
scopes = options.scopes or ['push', 'pull']
tag_names = [tag_names] if isinstance(tag_names, str) else tag_names
# Ping!
# Perform auth and retrieve a token.
token, _ = self.auth(session, credentials, namespace, repo_name, scopes=scopes,
if token is None:
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
# Build fake manifests.
manifests = {}
for tag_name in tag_names:
builder = DockerSchema1ManifestBuilder(namespace, repo_name, tag_name)
for image in reversed(images):
checksum = 'sha256:' + hashlib.sha256(image.bytes).hexdigest()
# If invalid blob references were requested, just make it up.
if options.manifest_invalid_blob_references:
checksum = 'sha256:' + hashlib.sha256('notarealthing').hexdigest()
builder.add_layer(checksum, json.dumps({'id':, 'parent': image.parent_id}))
# Build the manifest.
manifests[tag_name] =
# Push the layer data.
checksums = {}
for image in reversed(images):
checksum = 'sha256:' + hashlib.sha256(image.bytes).hexdigest()
checksums[] = checksum
# Layer data should not yet exist.
self.conduct(session, 'HEAD', '/v2/%s/%s/blobs/%s' % (namespace, repo_name, checksum),
expected_status=(404, expected_failure, V2ProtocolSteps.BLOB_HEAD_CHECK),
# Start a new upload of the layer data.
response = self.conduct(session, 'POST', '/v2/%s/%s/blobs/uploads/' % (namespace, repo_name),
upload_uuid = response.headers['Docker-Upload-UUID']
new_upload_location = response.headers['Location']
assert new_upload_location.startswith('http://localhost:5000')
# We need to make this relative just for the tests because the live server test
# case modifies the port.
location = response.headers['Location'][len('http://localhost:5000'):]
# PATCH the image data into the layer.
if options.chunks_for_upload is None:
self.conduct(session, 'PATCH', location, data=image.bytes, expected_status=204,
# If chunked upload is requested, upload the data as a series of chunks, checking
# status at every point.
for chunk_data in options.chunks_for_upload:
if len(chunk_data) == 3:
(start_byte, end_byte, expected_code) = chunk_data
(start_byte, end_byte) = chunk_data
expected_code = 204
patch_headers = {'Range': 'bytes=%s-%s' % (start_byte, end_byte)}
contents_chunk = image.bytes[start_byte:end_byte]
self.conduct(session, 'PATCH', location, data=contents_chunk,
if expected_code != 204:
# Retrieve the upload status at each point, and ensure it is valid.
status_url = '/v2/%s/%s/blobs/uploads/%s' % (namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid)
response = self.conduct(session, 'GET', status_url, expected_status=204, headers=headers)
assert response.headers['Docker-Upload-UUID'] == upload_uuid
assert response.headers['Range'] == "bytes=0-%s" % end_byte
if options.cancel_blob_upload:
self.conduct(session, 'DELETE', location, params=dict(digest=checksum), expected_status=204,
# Ensure the upload was canceled.
status_url = '/v2/%s/%s/blobs/uploads/%s' % (namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid)
self.conduct(session, 'GET', status_url, expected_status=404, headers=headers)
# Finish the layer upload with a PUT.
response = self.conduct(session, 'PUT', location, params=dict(digest=checksum),
expected_status=201, headers=headers)
assert response.headers['Docker-Content-Digest'] == checksum
# Ensure the layer exists now.
response = self.conduct(session, 'HEAD',
'/v2/%s/%s/blobs/%s' % (namespace, repo_name, checksum),
expected_status=200, headers=headers)
assert response.headers['Docker-Content-Digest'] == checksum
assert response.headers['Content-Length'] == str(len(image.bytes))
# And retrieve the layer data.
result = self.conduct(session, 'GET', '/v2/%s/%s/blobs/%s' % (namespace, repo_name, checksum),
headers=headers, expected_status=200)
assert result.content == image.bytes
# Write a manifest for each tag.
for tag_name in tag_names:
manifest = manifests[tag_name]
# Write the manifest. If we expect it to be invalid, we expect a 404 code. Otherwise, we
# expect a 202 response for success.
put_code = 404 if options.manifest_invalid_blob_references else 202
manifest_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
self.conduct(session, 'PUT', '/v2/%s/%s/manifests/%s' % (namespace, repo_name, tag_name),
data=manifest.bytes, expected_status=put_code,
return PushResult(checksums=checksums, manifests=manifests)
def pull(self, session, namespace, repo_name, tag_names, images, credentials=None,
expected_failure=None, options=None):
options = options or ProtocolOptions()
scopes = options.scopes or ['pull']
tag_names = [tag_names] if isinstance(tag_names, str) else tag_names
# Ping!
# Perform auth and retrieve a token.
token, _ = self.auth(session, credentials, namespace, repo_name, scopes=scopes,
if token is None:
return None
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
manifests = {}
for tag_name in tag_names:
# Retrieve the manifest for the tag or digest.
response = self.conduct(session, 'GET',
'/v2/%s/%s/manifests/%s' % (namespace, repo_name, tag_name),
expected_status=(200, expected_failure, V2ProtocolSteps.GET_MANIFEST),
if expected_failure is not None:
return None
# Ensure the manifest returned by us is valid.
manifest = DockerSchema1Manifest(response.text)
manifests[tag_name] = manifest
# Verify the layers.
for index, layer in enumerate(manifest.layers):
result = self.conduct(session, 'GET',
'/v2/%s/%s/blobs/%s' % (namespace, repo_name, layer.digest),
assert result.content == images[index].bytes
return PullResult(manifests=manifests)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
import json
import tarfile
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from cStringIO import StringIO
from enum import Enum, unique
from six import add_metaclass
Image = namedtuple('Image', ['id', 'parent_id', 'size', 'bytes'])
PushResult = namedtuple('PushResult', ['checksums', 'manifests'])
PullResult = namedtuple('PullResult', ['manifests'])
def layer_bytes_for_contents(contents):
layer_data = StringIO()
def add_file(name, contents):
tar_file_info = tarfile.TarInfo(name=name)
tar_file_info.type = tarfile.REGTYPE
tar_file_info.size = len(contents)
tar_file_info.mtime = 1
tar_file =, mode='w|gz')
tar_file.addfile(tar_file_info, StringIO(contents))
add_file('contents', contents)
layer_bytes = layer_data.getvalue()
return layer_bytes
class Failures(Enum):
""" Defines the various forms of expected failure. """
UNAUTHENTICATED = 'unauthenticated'
UNAUTHORIZED = 'unauthorized'
INVALID_REGISTRY = 'invalid-registry'
APP_REPOSITORY = 'app-repository'
UNKNOWN_TAG = 'unknown-tag'
class ProtocolOptions(object):
def __init__(self):
self.munge_shas = False
self.scopes = None
self.cancel_blob_upload = False
self.manifest_invalid_blob_references = False
self.chunks_for_upload = None
class RegistryProtocol(object):
""" Interface for protocols. """
def pull(self, session, namespace, repo_name, tag_names, images, credentials=None,
expected_failure=None, options=None):
""" Pulls the given tag via the given session, using the given credentials, and
ensures the given images match.
def push(self, session, namespace, repo_name, tag_names, images, credentials=None,
expected_failure=None, options=None):
""" Pushes the specified images as the given tag via the given session, using
the given credentials.
def conduct(self, session, method, url, expected_status=200, params=None, data=None,
json_data=None, headers=None, auth=None):
if json_data is not None:
data = json.dumps(json_data)
headers = headers or {}
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
if isinstance(expected_status, tuple):
expected_status, expected_failure, protocol_step = expected_status
if expected_failure is not None:
failures = self.__class__.FAILURE_CODES.get(protocol_step, {})
expected_status = failures.get(expected_failure, expected_status)
result = session.request(method, url, params=params, data=data, headers=headers, auth=auth)
msg = "Expected response %s, got %s" % (expected_status, result.status_code)
assert result.status_code == expected_status, msg
return result

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
from test.fixtures import *
from test.registry.liveserverfixture import *
from test.registry.fixtures import *
from test.registry.protocol_fixtures import *
from test.registry.protocols import Failures
def test_basic_push_pull(pusher, puller, basic_images, liveserver_session, app_reloader):
""" Test: Basic push and pull of an image to a new repository. """
credentials = ('devtable', 'password')
# Push a new repository.
pusher.push(liveserver_session, 'devtable', 'newrepo', 'latest', basic_images,
# Pull the repository to verify.
puller.pull(liveserver_session, 'devtable', 'newrepo', 'latest', basic_images,
def test_push_invalid_credentials(pusher, basic_images, liveserver_session, app_reloader):
""" Test: Ensure we get auth errors when trying to push with invalid credentials. """
invalid_credentials = ('devtable', 'notcorrectpassword')
pusher.push(liveserver_session, 'devtable', 'newrepo', 'latest', basic_images,
credentials=invalid_credentials, expected_failure=Failures.UNAUTHENTICATED)
def test_pull_invalid_credentials(puller, basic_images, liveserver_session, app_reloader):
""" Test: Ensure we get auth errors when trying to pull with invalid credentials. """
invalid_credentials = ('devtable', 'notcorrectpassword')
puller.pull(liveserver_session, 'devtable', 'newrepo', 'latest', basic_images,
credentials=invalid_credentials, expected_failure=Failures.UNAUTHENTICATED)