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# quay
![Docker Repository on Quay](https://quay.io/repository/quay/quay/status?token=7bffbc13-8bb0-4fb4-8a70-684a0cf485d3 "Docker Repository on Quay")
:warning: The `master` branch may be in an *unstable or even broken state* during development.
Please use [releases] instead of the `master` branch in order to get stable binaries.
![Quay Logo](static/img/quay_preview.png)
Quay is project to build, store, and distribute container images.
High-level features include:
- Docker Registry Protocol [v1], [v2]
- Docker Manifest Schema [v2.1]
- [AppC Image Discovery] via on-demand transcoding
- Image Squashing via on-demand transcoding
- Authentication provided by [LDAP], [Keystone], [Dex], [Google], [GitHub]
- ACLs, team management, and auditability logs
- Geo-replicated storage provided by local filesystems, [S3], [GCS], [Swift], [Ceph]
- Continuous Integration integrated with [GitHub], [Bitbucket], [GitLab], and [git]
- Security Vulnerability Analysis via [Clair]
- [Swagger]-compliant HTTP API
[releases]: https://github.com/coreos-inc/quay/releases
[v1]: https://docs.docker.com/v1.6/reference/api/registry_api/
[v2]: https://docs.docker.com/v1.6/registry/
[v2.1]: https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/docs/spec/manifest-v2-1.md
[AppC Image Discovery]: https://github.com/appc/spec/blob/master/spec/discovery.md
[LDAP]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightweight_Directory_Access_Protocol
[Keystone]: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone
[Dex]: https://github.com/coreos/dex
[Google]: https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/sign-in
[GitHub]: https://developer.github.com/v3/oauth
[S3]: https://aws.amazon.com/s3
[GCS]: https://cloud.google.com/storage
[Swift]: http://swift.openstack.org
[Ceph]: http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/radosgw/config
[GitHub]: https://github.com
[Bitbucket]: https://bitbucket.com
[GitLab]: https://gitlab.com
[git]: https://git-scm.com
[Clair]: https://github.com/coreos/clair
[Swagger]: http://swagger.io
## Table of Contents
1. **[Getting Started](#getting-started)**
1. [macOS](#macos)
3. [Linux](#linux)
2. **[Development](#development)**
1. [PivotalTracker Integration](#pivotaltracker-integration)
3. **[Running and Testing](#running-and-testing)**
1. [Test Data](#test-data)
2. [Local Scripts](#local-scripts)
3. [Development inside Docker](#development-inside-docker)
4. [Adding a Python Dependency](#adding-a-python-dependency)
5. [Running the Build System](#running-the-build-system)
6. [To run individual tests](#to-run-individual-tests)
1. [Pytest](#pytest)
2. [Tox](#tox)
7. [Running Migrations](#running-migrations)
8. [How to run a build with tests for a push or merge](#how-to-run-a-build-with-tests-for-a-push-or-merge)
4. **[Documentation](#documentation)**
1. [Architecture at a Glance](#architecture-at-a-glance)
2. [Terminology](#terminology)
1. [Organizations](#organizations)
2. [Concepts](#concepts)
3. [Software](#software)
## Getting Started
### macOS
macOS developers will need:
* [command line tools] or [xcode]
* [brew]
[command line tools]: https://developer.apple.com/downloads
[xcode]: https://developer.apple.com/downloads
[brew]: https://github.com/Homebrew/brew
# Download the code
git clone git@github.com:coreos-inc/quay.git && cd quay
# Install the system dependencies
brew install libevent libmagic postgresql gpgme pyenv pyenv-virtualenv docker docker-machine node
# create a default virtualmachine for docker
docker-machine create -d virtualbox default
# setup brew dependencies
# note you may want to add these to your bashrc or zshrc file
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval $(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine env default)
# Some installs don't have /usr/include, required for finding SASL header files
# http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/196224/unix-ln-s-command-not-permitted-in-osx-el-capitan-beta3
# note this command might fail because of new OSx write protections here above is a link that explains
# how to fix that
if [ ! -e /usr/include ]; then sudo ln -s `xcrun --show-sdk-path`/usr/include /usr/include; fi
# Install the Python dependencies
pyenv install 2.7.11
pyenv virtualenv 2.7.11 quay
pyenv activate quay
# Some packages may fail to build with clang (which now defaults to C11).
CFLAGS='-std=c99' pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
# Setup a local config
git clone git@github.com:coreos-inc/quay-config.git ../quay-config
ln -s ../../quay-config/local conf/stack
# Install Node Dependencies
npm install
# Link Typescript
npm link typescript
#### Useful docs
* [docker](https://beta.docker.com/docs/mac/getting-started://beta.docker.com/docs/mac/getting-started)
* [docker-machine](https://docs.docker.com/machine/install-machine://docs.docker.com/machine/install-machine)
* [pyenv](https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv)
* [pyenv-virtualenv](https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv-virtualenv)
### Linux
## Development
### PivotalTracker Integration
Tag a commit with the Tracker Story ID and GitHub automatically comments on your
story with the commit message.
Add the following at the end of your commit message:
[(Finishes|Fixes|Delivers) #TRACKER_STORY_ID]
When you push to GitHub, the post-receive hook will then call back to Tracker
and put a comment on the story with a link to the commit on GitHub. When tagged
with "Finishes", the trigger will also click Finish on the story.
Reference: PivotalTracker blog - [A Guide to GitHub’s Service Hook for Tracker](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/blog/guide-githubs-service-hook-tracker/)
## Running and Testing
### Test Data
A SQLite database full of test data is committed to this git repository at [test/data/test.db](quay/test/data/test.db).
This database is generated by executing `python initdb.py`.
The username and password of the admin test account is `devtable` and `password`, respectively.
### Local Scripts
Running the web server locally requires [goreman](https://github.com/mattn/goreman):
go get github.com/mattn/goreman
* `local-run` runs the web server for testing
* `local-test` runs the unit test suite
* `npm run build` builds front end dependencies
* `npm run watch` a watcher for webpack
### Development inside Docker
To build and run a development container, pass one argument to [local-docker.sh](quay/local-docker.sh):
- `buildman`: run the buildmanager
- `dev`: run web server on port 5000
- `initdb`: clear and initialize the test database
- `notifications`: run the notification worker
- `test`: run the unit test suite
### Adding a Python Dependency
# Create a new virtualenv and activate it
pyenv virtualenv 2.7.11 quay-deps
pyenv activate quay-deps
# Install unversioned dependencies with your changes
pip install -r requirements-nover.txt
# Run the unit test suite
# Freeze the versions of all of the dependencies
pip freeze > requirements.txt
### Running the Build System
# Run an instance of redis
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 quay.io/quay/redis
### To run individual tests
# To run a specific suite
TEST=true python -m test.test_api_usage -f
# To run a specific test in a suite
TEST=true python -m test.test_api_usage -f SuiteName
#### Pytest
# To run all tests
TEST=true PYTHONPATH="." py.test --verbose
# To run a specific test module
TEST=true PYTHONPATH="." py.test --verbose test/registry_tests.py
# To run a specific test unique test
TEST=true PYTHONPATH="." py.test --verbose test/test_api_usage.py::TestDeleteNamespace
# To retry only last failed (--lf):
TEST=true PYTHONPATH="." py.test --verbose --lf
# To start pdb on failure:
TEST=true PYTHONPATH="." py.test --verbose --pdb
# To run a coverage report (html pages in ./htmlcov):
TEST=true PYTHONPATH="." py.test --cov="." --cov-report=html --cov-report=term-missing --cov-config=.coverage.ini --verbose
# Don't capture stdout (-s)
TEST=true PYTHONPATH="." py.test --verbose -s
#### Tox
To create a virtualenv to run the tests.
It allows to test the code on multiple env like python2.x and python3.x or different library versions
# Test all tox env:
# Add extra parameters to the pytest command:
# tox -- [pytest ARGS]
tox -- -x
# build a single env with -e:
tox -e py27-api
### Running migrations
# To create a new migration with this description.
# Note there might be some errors about unique id being to long
# That's okay as long as the migration file is created
./data/migrations/migration.sh "Description goes here"
# To test the up and down of the migration
./data/migrations/migration.sh # without params
# Migrations get run when you create a docker image or you can run them
# manually with the following command.
PYTHONPATH=. alembic upgrade head
# You can also rebuild your local sqlite db image from initdb.py using
# And once you have a migration you should do this and check in the
# changes to share your migration with others.
rm test/data/test.db
python initdb.py
### Running tests for migrations
Use AWS/RDS to create a test image.
To create a new database from a snapshot to test against see
Then point the migrations to the new instance using
Remember to run this from the root of the quay directory and to set your
python environment first.
PYTHONPATH=. alembic upgrade head
### How to run a build with tests for a push or merge
# Inside the quay directory.
export QUAY_TAG=quay.io/quay/quay:localtest
docker build -t $QUAY_TAG --build-arg RUN_TESTS=true .
## Documentation
* [Quay Enterprise Documentation](https://tectonic.com/quay-enterprise/docs/latest)
* [Quay.io Documentation](https://docs.quay.io)
### Architecture at a Glance
<img src="https://docs.google.com/a/coreos.com/drawings/d/1J-YZs7aun1lLy-1wFwIZcBma5IJmZQ8WfgtEftHCKJ0/pub?w=640&h=480">
Edit chart on Google Docs at [Architecture at a Glance](https://docs.google.com/a/coreos.com/drawings/d/1J-YZs7aun1lLy-1wFwIZcBma5IJmZQ8WfgtEftHCKJ0/edit?usp=sharing).
### Terminology
#### Organizations
- **AppC**: a standards body responsible for a _Runtime_ and _Image Format_ superseded by the _Open Container Initiative_
- **Open Container Initiative**: a standards body responsible for a _Runtime_ specification and an _Image Format_
- **Docker**: a company that builds a platform that has its own _Image Formats_, _Build System_, _Container Runtime_, and _Container Orchestration_
#### Concepts
- **Image**: an archive containing all of the contents necessary to execute a container
- **Image Format**: a specification for the structure of an _Image_
- **Image Layer**: an _Image_ that may depend on being applied to other _Images_ to generate a final _Image_
- **Image Squashing**: the process of compressing an _Image_ into a single _Layer_
- **Manifest**: a text file containing metadata for a particular _Image_
- **Tag**: a human-friendly named, mutable pointer to a particular set of _Images_
- **Build System**: a program used to generate _Images_
- **Registry**: a program that speaks one or more standard protocols to store and receive _Images_
- **Repository**: a collection of related _Tags_ organized by a _Registry_
- **Push**: the act of uploading an _Image_ to a _Registry_
- **Pull**: the act of downloading an _Image_ from a _Registry_
- **Container**: an _Image_ and its execution environment
- **Container Runtime**: a program that can transform an _Image_ into a _Container_ by executing it
- **Container Orchestration**: a program or set of programs that provides a framework for deploying _Containers_
#### Software
- **Quay.io**: CoreOS's hosted _Registry_
- **Quay**: CoreOS's enterprise-grade _Registry_ product
- **quayctl**: an open source program that implements alternative methods for _pulling_ _Images_ from _Quay_
- **Clair**: an open source static analysis tool used to detect vulnerability in _Images_
- **Quay Security Scanning**: the integration between _Clair_ and _Quay_
- **Kubernetes**: an open source program implementing _Container Orchestration_
- **Docker Hub**: Docker's hosted _Registry_
- **Docker Trusted Registry**: Docker's enterprise-grade _Registry_ product
- **Notary**: an open source implementation of the TUF protocol used in _Docker Content Trust_
- **Docker Content Trust**: the integration between _Notary_ and _Docker Trusted Registry_
- **Docker Engine**: a program used to interact with all aspects of the Docker platform
- **Swarm**: a program implementing _Container Orchestration_ for the Docker platform