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to build and upload quay to quay:
curl -s https://get.docker.io/ubuntu/ | sudo sh
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y git
git clone git clone https://bitbucket.org/yackob03/quay.git
cd quay
rm Dockerfile
ln -s Dockerfile.web Dockerfile
sudo docker build -t quay.io/quay/quay .
sudo docker push quay.io/quay/quay
to prepare a new host:
curl -s https://get.docker.io/ubuntu/ | sudo sh
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y git
git clone https://github.com/DevTable/gantryd.git
cd gantryd
cat requirements.system | xargs sudo apt-get install -y
virtualenv --distribute venv
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo docker login -p 9Y1PX7D3IE4KPSGCIALH17EM5V3ZTMP8CNNHJNXAQ2NJGAS48BDH8J1PUOZ869ML -u 'quay+deploy' -e notused quay.io
start the quay processes:
cd ~
git clone https://bitbucket.org/yackob03/quayconfig.git
sudo docker pull quay.io/quay/quay
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/logs/
cd ~/gantryd
sudo venv/bin/python gantry.py ../quayconfig/production/gantry.json update quay
start the log shipper (DEPRECATED):
sudo docker pull quay.io/quay/logstash
sudo docker run -d -e REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR=logs.quay.io -v /mnt/logs:/mnt/logs quay.io/quay/logstash quay.conf
running the tests:
TEST=true python -m unittest discover
running the tests with coverage (requires coverage module):
TEST=true coverage run -m unittest discover
coverage html
generating screenshots:
cd screenshots
casperjs screenshots.js --d
``` |