2021-11-01 12:53:08 +11:00

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Deploying a Registry in an insecure fashion registry, on-prem, images, tags, repository, distribution, insecure Test an insecure registry

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While it's highly recommended to secure your registry using a TLS certificate issued by a known CA, you can choose to use self-signed certificates, or use your registry over an unencrypted HTTP connection. Either of these choices involves security trade-offs and additional configuration steps.

Deploy a plain HTTP registry


: It's not possible to use an insecure registry with basic authentication. {:.warning}

This procedure configures Docker to entirely disregard security for your registry. This is very insecure and is not recommended. It exposes your registry to trivial man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. Only use this solution for isolated testing or in a tightly controlled, air-gapped environment.

  1. Edit the daemon.json file, whose default location is /etc/docker/daemon.json on Linux or C:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json on Windows Server. If you use Docker Desktop for Mac or Docker Desktop for Windows, click the Docker icon, choose Preferences (Mac) or Settings (Windows), and choose Docker Engine.

    If the daemon.json file does not exist, create it. Assuming there are no other settings in the file, it should have the following contents:

      "insecure-registries" : [""]

    Substitute the address of your insecure registry for the one in the example.

    With insecure registries enabled, Docker goes through the following steps:

    • First, try using HTTPS.
      • If HTTPS is available but the certificate is invalid, ignore the error about the certificate.
      • If HTTPS is not available, fall back to HTTP.
  2. Restart Docker for the changes to take effect.

Repeat these steps on every Engine host that wants to access your registry.

Use self-signed certificates


: Using this along with basic authentication requires to also trust the certificate into the OS cert store for some versions of docker (see below) {:.warning}

This is more secure than the insecure registry solution.

  1. Generate your own certificate:

    $ mkdir -p certs
    $ openssl req \
      -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout certs/domain.key \
      -addext "subjectAltName =" \
      -x509 -days 365 -out certs/domain.crt

    Be sure to use the name as a CN.

  2. Use the result to start your registry with TLS enabled.

  3. Instruct every Docker daemon to trust that certificate. The way to do this depends on your OS.

    • Linux: Copy the domain.crt file to /etc/docker/certs.d/ on every Docker host. You do not need to restart Docker.

    • Windows Server:

      1. Open Windows Explorer, right-click the domain.crt file, and choose Install certificate. When prompted, select the following options:

        | Store location | local machine | | Place all certificates in the following store | selected |

      2. Click Browser and select Trusted Root Certificate Authorities.

      3. Click Finish. Restart Docker.

    • Docker Desktop for Mac: Follow the instructions in Adding custom CA certificates{: target="blank" rel="noopener" class=""}. Restart Docker.

    • Docker Desktop for Windows: Follow the instructions in Adding custom CA certificates{: target="blank" rel="noopener" class=""}. Restart Docker.

Troubleshoot insecure registry

This section lists some common failures and how to recover from them.


Failing to configure the Engine daemon and trying to pull from a registry that is not using TLS results in the following message:

FATA[0000] Error response from daemon: v1 ping attempt failed with error:
Get tls: oversized record received with length 20527.
If this private registry supports only HTTP or HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate, add
`--insecure-registry` to the daemon's arguments.
In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's CA certificate, no need for the flag;
simply place the CA certificate at /etc/docker/certs.d/

Docker still complains about the certificate when using authentication?

When using authentication, some versions of Docker also require you to trust the certificate at the OS level.


$ cp certs/domain.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

$ cp certs/domain.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/

Oracle Linux

$ update-ca-trust enable

Restart Docker for the changes to take effect.


Open Windows Explorer, right-click the certificate, and choose Install certificate.

Then, select the following options:

  • Store location: local machine
  • Check place all certificates in the following store
  • Click Browser, and select Trusted Root Certificate Authorities
  • Click Finish

Learn more about managing TLS certificates.

After adding the CA certificate to Windows, restart Docker Desktop for Windows.